The following is a brief history of the Orders of the Knights of St Peter, and Knights of St Paul and of the Confraternity of the Knights St Peter and St Paul (the “Confraternity”), extracted from pubic access historical records and the records of the Confraternity. 1471 Pope Paul II In 1471 Pope Paul II conferred the first investitures of "Knights of St. Peter" or “Cavaliere di San Pietro”, which was an honorific title conferred by the Holy See. This honorary chivalrous investiture from the Holy See is sometimes called the "Speron d’Oro", quite distinct from the Cavalry Knighthoods conferred by various Sovereigns. Thus, at this stage, the Order was made of persons who were granted titles without service duties. That is, despite the honorific title of “Knight”, from at least 1500 there was no real Equestrian Order or “cavalry” with service obligations and privileges regulated by statutes at the Pontifical Court. Further, and reflecting the honorific nature of the titles, it appears that investitures did not always come with their own insignia or badge to the conferred person as symbols of the “Order”.
Pope Leo 10.
The Order of the Knights of St. Peter's was made up of 401 men chosen from among the best and most faithful collaborators of the Pope and of the Church. The Order was given the task of managing the administrative affairs of the Apostolic Camera , and to ensure a body of knights to defend the safety of the person of the Pope and of the same hospitals , used on various sectors of necessity of war. Pope Clement VII , born Giulio de 'Medici , the successor of Pope Leo X in 1522 , confirming this Order with a further Bull issued in October of 1526 , published at the Chancery of the Pontifical January 3, 1527 .
Pope Paul III Pope Paul III reaffirmed the Board of the Knights of St. Peter ( Papal Bull of 26 February 1534 , published in the Papal Chancellery on 20 December 1535 ) with the same forms , methods and content produced by Pope Leo X. He did , however, most , wanted to not duplicate such an order creating another mirror under the name of the College of the Knights of St. Paul, by a Bull of 25 June 1540 , which saw the publication in the Papal Chancellery July 19, 1541 . This new Board was composed of 200 Knights. It was confirmed by Pope Julius III on March 21, 1549. In this way, and for a long time the two Orders were completely equalized by Pope Paul III and was thus decided that the Knights could at the same time belong either to one or the other order . However, the two Orders were never merged, each maintaining its own identity. Being Knights of the aforesaid Orders also meant to be declared Diners and Family of the Pope and at the same time the Knights of the Golden Militia , as well as accounts of the House Lateran and therefore ascribed to the highest degree of Nobility Pontifical . The two orders , which were , however, further confirmation in 1561 by Pope Pius IV in the late sixteenth century lost their vitality, at least from the perspective of the documentary, not so much for physiological reasons as to the exhaustion of their ancient mission. In summary it is certain that when in 1520 Pope Leo X established the Board of the Knights of St. Peter's intended to create a College of trusted men , clergymen and not , at the same time they had the dual task of lifting the Apostolic Chamber administrative burdens, constitute a ' wide Assembly of expert Advisors , ready to provide its expertise to the discussions within the State . Pope Paul III at the time of the creation of the College of the Knights of St. Paul, homologous to that of the Knights of St. Peter , he wanted to strengthen the provision of Pope Leo X but also introduce the new order with the appearance of Chivalry Army Military Company that lacked first , so that It could not contravene the papal command when they asked to be followed in both arms during the sessions of the Council is in any holy wars according to the needs of the moment.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Incorporated was created by H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli O.S.J. in Melbourne in November, 1996 to honour members of the Christian faith for their tireless benevolent work in the community. The original name was ‘Order of St. Peter & St. Paul’. In 2009 the name had to be changed to ‘Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Inc. to comply with the wishes of the Catholic Church.
The first ceremonial investiture took place on Sunday, 6 July, 1997, during a Mass in honour of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The mass commenced at 2.00 p.m. It was a High Mass, Solemnity of the two apostles SS Peter and Paul. After the panegyric, Peter Paul Portelli, Founder and head of the Order read a message from the Hon. Jeff Kennett, Premier of Victoria on behalf of the Victorian Government and a message from the Most Rev. Mgr. Sam Muscat, Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Peter and Paul of Nadur in Gozo, Malta.
Mr. Portelli then presented the first members and made a testimonial about the aims and objectives of the new Order. Mr. Portelli said that there was a need to recognize the tireless voluntary work that many people do in the community, dedicating many long hours, day after day.
Mr. Portelli said ‘Today we are honouring two great Christian leaders followers of Christ, St. Peter and Paul, so it is appropriate that we are recognizing these living community leaders here today. These living leaders will today take a vow that they will continue to serve God and His people and to imitate St. Peter and Paul in their Christian values.
The first members that took the vow were Mr. Ernest Sigley, Mr. Bruno Rabensteiner, Mr. Jairo Nascimento, Mr. Mato Verkic, Mr. Andreas Kratsis, Mrs. Lillian Calleja, Mr. Charles Camilleri, Rev. Fr. Karm Borg MSSP, Mr. Joseph Vella, Mr. Eddy Marcel Abraham and Mrs. Remy Sarmiento.
Fr. John Taliana MSSP. Parish Priest of St. Bernadette read the vow and the candidates repeated after him. Fr. John Taliana blessed the first members with the Holy Water. The Head of the Order Mr. Peter Paul Portelli placed the medal on the members while the Mayor of the City of Brimbank, Cr. Ciro Lombardi placed the mantle on the shoulder of the members.
The congregation gave them an applause as a sign of admiration.
This was a very exciting moment to the new members. After the Mass the members took part in the procession led by the statue of St. Peter and St. Paul, accompanied by the Maltese Own Band, representatives of the Maltese Associations with their banners. After the procession the members were invited for refreshments in the church hall.
Year 2. SUNDAY 12 JULY, 1998 FEAST IN HONOUR OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL HELD AT ST. BERNADETTE'S CHURCH WESTMORELAND ROAD, NORTH SUNSHINE The Founder of the Order H. E. Peter Paul Portelli O.S.J., becomes a knight and Grand Prior. The investiture ceremony took place on Sunday, 12 July, 1998, during a mass celebrated in honour of St. Peter and Paul, at St. Bernadette Church, in Westmoreland Road in North Sunshine. The Mass commenced at 2.30 p.m. After the panegyric, Bruno Rabensteiner Deputy Head of the Order read a testimonial on the aims and values of the Order. He then called the new nominees. Peter Paul Portelli, Suzi Fanjek, Ivan Skratulja, Fred Wolske, Leonard Harkin, Tomasso Diele, George Saliba, Norma Angelini, David Connolly and Victor Aquilina. Fr. Karm Borg MSSP and member of the Order read the Solemn Vow and the new members replied after him. The deputy Head of the Order placed the medal on the new members while the Mayor of Brimbank Cr. Sam David placed the mantle on their shoulder. Afterwards a procession with the statue of St. Peter and Paul took place accompanied by the Maltese Own Band Phil. Soc. Inc. representatives of Maltese and Gozitan associations with their banners, the Mayor of Brimbank dressed in his mayoral robes and the members of the Order. After the procession the members had some refreshments in the church hall.
Year 3. SUNDAY 3 JULY 1999 FEAST OF ST. PETER AND ST.PAUL HELD AT ST. BERNADETTE’S HALL WILLEY STREET, NORTH SUNSHINE THE INVESTITURE This year the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul was held in the parish hall while the church was being renovated. The Mass began at 2.30 p.m. Fr. Alfred Farrugia MSSP delivered a nice panegyric. The investiture for the new candidates to the Order was held. Fr. Victor Bonello was the prime celebrant and read the vow to the new members while they repeated after him. The new members where: Josip Petruzalek, Dieter Bajzek, Bernard O’Connor, Alfred Asciak, Bruno Klepp and Reno Cini Cr. Sam David representing the City of Brimbank placed the mantle on the shoulder of the new members while Bruno Rabensteiner placed the medals on them. After the Mass a procession was held around the neighbourhood with the statue of St. Peter and St. Paul, accompanied by the Maltese Own Band Phil. Soc. Inc. Members of the Order and representatives of Maltese Associations. Afterwards the members stayed for light refreshments. FIRST COUNCIL OF THE ORDER Head of the Order: Chev. Peter Paul Portelli Deputy Head of the Order: Chev. Bruno Rabensteiner Hon. Secretary: Chev. David Connolly Member: Dame Lillian Calleja Chev. Eddy Abraham
This year the feast was held earlier then usual so the members of the committee could go to Malta for the celebrations in Nadur Gozo. The venue also was changed because the statue of St. Peter and Paul is now placed in the parish centre in Cooke Ave.
This year the Mass began at 2.00 p.m. After the panegyric, the ceremony of the investiture took place. Peter Paul Portelli Grand Prior of the Order said a few words about what we expect from the candidates of the Order; that is to serve God and His people. Fr. Victor Bonello read the vow to the new members while they repeated after him.
The new candidates for this year were Sam Vella and Dominik Vogl, The mayor of the City of Brimbank Cr. Charlie Apap and member of the Confraternity placed the mantle on the new members while Mato Verkic and George Saliba Deputy Grand Priors placed the medals on them.
After the Mass the procession with the statue of St. Peter and St. Paul was held around the car park accompanied by the Maltese Own Band Phil. Soc. Inc., Members of the Order, the Mayor of Brimbank dressed in the mayoral robes, representatives of the Maltese association and the Croatian community.
Afterwards the members had some refreshments together.
Chevalier Dominik Vogl
In the year 2000, a new priory on the Islands of Malta and Gozo was officially established under the patronage of the Nadur Municipal Council. The investiture ceremony took place in the Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul in the parish of Nadur. The mass commenced at 7.00 pm. in a day that was dedicated to the migrants. The prime celebrant was Mgr. Sam Muscat Archpriest of Nadur, he was assisted by a large number of priests.
After the panegyric the Grand Prior who was on holidays on the islands, made a short speech on the aims of the Order and the need to honour local members for their dedications and tireless work in their locality. The Grand Prior then called the first candidates to the new priory on the Maltese Islands to take their vow. These were Dr. Chris Said - Mayor, Mgr. Salv Pace, Can. Carmel Portelli, Joseph Zerafa, Peter Paul Camilleri, Andrew Muscat, and Joe Curmi. On Friday 28 June three members of the Order took part in the procession around St. Peter and Paul’s Square before the service in the basilica.
The Priory of Nadur in Gozo from left: Chev. Can. Karm Portelli, Chev. Joseph Curmi, Chev. Andrew Muscat, Grand Prior Chev. Peter Paul Portelli, Chev. Dr. Chris Said, Chev. Guzi Zerafa, Chev. Peter Paul Camilleri and Chev. Mgr. Salv Pace.
NEW PRIORY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA In Western Australia, Bruno Rabensteiner former deputy grand Prior who had moved to Western Australia was ordained prior for that State. The Order in Melbourne nominated Reno Aquilina a Maltese community activist in WA to the Order. Aquilina accepted the honour and was elected deputy prior to assist Bruno Rabensteiner.
Chev. Reno Aquilina.
The celebration was held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne. A solemn Mass was celebrated by Archbishop George Pell and assisted by some Croatian priests. The members took part in the procession from the sacristy to the Cathedral. After the Mass a bust of Cardinal Stepinac was unveiled outside the cathedral.
The members took the opportunity to take a photograph with Archbishop Pell after the celebrations ended. Afterwards the members were invited for dinner at the Croatian Centre in Clifton Hill.
Photo: Knights of the Order of St. Peter and St. Paul with Archbishop Dr. George Pell, after the celebration. Today Archbishop Dr. George Pell is the Cardinal for Australia.
2.00 pm. Fr. Raymond Bugeja MSSP. blessed the new bell and the banner, before the start of the solemn Mass. Fr. Victor Buhagiar delivered the panegyric on St. Peter and Paul.
After the panegyric Peter Paul Portelli said a few words about the Order while Fr. Buhagiar read the vow to the new members. Mato Verkic and George Saliba placed the medal on the new members while the Mayor of Brimbank Cr. Natalie Suliman placed the mantle on the new members.
The new members were Joseph Caf, Vincent Calleja, Sergio Marusic, Stefan Romaniw and Theresa Straubinger.
After the Mass the procession with the statue took place accompanied by the Maltese Own Band Phil. Soc. Inc, Members of the Order, representatives of Maltese Associations, representatives of the Croatian community of Geelong and children in Maltese costume.
Afterwards the members had some refreshments together.
The celebration began at 11.00 am. a number of members attended the consecration of St. Leopold-Bogdan Mandic Church in Ardeer. The church was packed by thousands of worshipers that came from across Melbourne and interstate. The celebration was officiated by the Most Rev. Archbishop of Melbourne His Excellency Denis Hart and the Most Rev. Bishop His Excellency Mile Bogovic of Gospic Croatia.
After the Solemn Mass we took some photographs with both bishops. This was a very important event in the history of the Order.
Group photo with Archbishop Denis Hart on the left and Bishop Mile Bogovic of Gospic Croatia.
The High Mass was presided by Fr. Saviour Micallef Parish Priest of Naxxar in Malta, assisted by Fr. Denis Carabott, MSSP. Fr. Micallef blessed the new altar on the side of the church dedicated to St. Peter and Paul.
After the panegyric Fr. Micallef officiated the investiture of the new members to the Order. The candidates were Marie Louise Anastasi from the Maltese Community, and Luise Breier from the German community.
After the mass, the procession with the statue took place around the church.
The High Mass was officiated by His Grace Bishop Mark Coleridge, assisted by Fr. Ray Bugeja. The feast was well attended considering the wet weather. The church was richly decorated with damask and light fittings. The side altar was well decorated with large candle holders. A new chair was made for the bishop and a velvet canopy above the main altar completed the decorations.
After the homily the new candidates were invested into the Order. They were Rita Saliba from the Maltese community, Lyilyana Goja and Lucy Fiamengo from the Croatian community and Hans Roleff from the German community.
The procession with the statue didn’t take place as it was raining. The bishop Mark Coleridge made a comment after the celebration that he liked the decorations in the church.
Dame Lucy Fiamengo born in Croatia.
The priory of WA nominated Colin Caputo from the Italian community for his work in the parish of St. Joseph in Bassendean, as its new member for 2003. The celebration was held on Sunday 29 June.
Year 8. SUNDAY 4TH. JULY 2004 FEAST OF ST. PETER AND PAUL ST. BERNADETTE’S COMMUNITY CENTRE IN COOKE AVE. NORTH SUNSHINE. A Pontifical Mass was officiated by His Excellency Denis Hart Archbishop of Melbourne. This was the first time in the history of the Orderof St. Peter and Paul, that the Archbishop of Melbourne officiated in the celebrations. This year we celebrated the 200 anniversary from the blessing of the Nadur basilica dedicated to St. Peter and Paul on the island of Gozo.
The Archbishop made a mention of the occasion during the panegyric. The Archbishop was assisted by Fr. Sam Buttigieg and Fr. Tran
After the communion prayer the Archbishop officiated in the investiture of the new candidates into the Order. The new memberswere Vinko Mlikota from the Croatian Community, George Aquilina the folk singer from the Maltese community, Ian Gawler Australian and Zoltan Tuz from the Hungarian community.
The weather was sunny and cool and the procession was held around the church.
The priory of Western Australia held its celebration on Tuesday 29 June. Prior Reno Aquilina was elevated to the title of Consul of the Order. The Priory in WA admitted Nick Deluca of the Italian community as its new Member. NEW PRIORY OF NSW & ACT
Reno Aquilina also nominated and ordained Alfred Flask as a Member for the Australian Capital Territory in Canberra.
Chev. Alfred Flask - Prior for Canberra.
Sam Mifsud of Blactown in Sydney was admitted to the Order for his commitment in the Maltese community in NSW. DEATH OF MEMBERS
The year 2004 took away 3 members of the Order and the dear wife of our Deputy Grand Prior. Peter Paul Camilleri from our priory of Nadur in Malta, Sam Vella of our priory in Melbourne and Reno Aquilina the prior and Consul of WA. All left this life to be united with God in heaven. The wife of Deputy Grand Prior Georgina Verkic also joined almighty God in heaven. May they all rest in peace under the protection of St. Peter and Paul.
NO ACTIVITIES IN 2005 AND 2006 In 2005 and 2006 no activities were held as the process to become an independent body from the organisers of the feast began. Six members rebelled against the decision and continued to take part with the organisers of the feast, the Australian Nadur Association. These members were removed from the registry of the Order of St. Peter and St. Paul.
In 2007 the Order of St. Peter and St. Paul became registered under the Association Incorporations Act. of the Victorian Government. The name became Order of St. Peter and St. Paul Inc.
The Order celebrated the feast of St. Peter and Paul on Sunday, 1 July, 2007 at the Resurrection Parish in Kings Park, west of the city of Melbourne. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Raymond Bugeja. After the homily Fr. Bugeja presided on the investiture ceremony. The candidates were Les Tarczon, Salvatore Ignaccolo, Angela Greto, Saverio Greto, Vincent Galtieri, George Aquilina and Robert Mammarella.
Grand Prior Chev. Peter Paul Portelli made a short speech about the aims and values of the Order. Chev. Mato Verkic Deputy Grand Prior and Dame Lucy Fiamengo assisted in the ceremony. Chevalier Sydney Vas and Dame Luise Breier also attended the celebration.
The Wyndham Maltese Choir accompanied the Mass. After the Mass the St. Albans Melita Band played some marches in the parish hall. Photo: Investiture ceremony in 2007, presided by Rev. Fr. Raymond Bugeja.
Year 12.
This year for the first time in the history of the Order, a dinner dance was held as part of the celebrations. 230 guests attended the function and the music was provided by DJ. Moods music and the Mario Sammartino orchestra. The Maltese United Brass Band took part in the merriment with flag waving and dancing to the lively marches. The food was great and the atmosphere was electrifying.
The Mass commenced at10.00 a.m. celebrated by Fr. Denis Carabott MSSP. After the Holy Communion, the grand prior Peter Paul Portelli read a message for the occasion from His Eminence Cardinal George Pell, Archbishop of Sydney. Fr. Denis Carabott presided on the investiture ceremony. Geatano Deguara a very active person in the Maltese community of Melbourne, was admitted to the Order of St. Peter and St. Paul.
Year 13.
The Dinner Dance this year was held at the Club Italia in Furlong Road, North Sunshine. 430 guests attended the Dinner Dance.
Again the music was provided by DJ. Moods music and the Mario Sammartino orchestra. The Maltese United Brass Band took part in the merriment with flag waving and dancing to the lively marches. It was better than the previous year and very successful. Photo from the feast Dinner dance in 2009
The Mass in honour of St. Peter and St. Paul was celebrated at the Holy Eucharist Parish in St. Albans.
Fr. Manuel Adami MSSP. presided on the investiture. The candidates Joe Zammit and Frank Di Blasi were admitted to the Order. The Mayor of Brimbank, Cr. Troy Anatasovski was a guest in the celebrations.
Group photo after the Solemn Mass on 28 June, 2009.
CHANGE OF NAME TO CONFRATERNITY The Archdiocese of Melbourne suggested, the name should be changed to Confraternity to receive the Papal Blessing. In the meeting of March 2010, the Council of the Order, accepted to change the name to Confraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul. In May 2010 the Council of the Confraternity wrote to the Archdiocese of Melbourne, informing the Archbishop of the name change and requesting support for the Papal Blessing. The Archbishop replied with his support. On May, 26 the Papal Blessing arrived from the Nuncio Apostolico in Canberra. It is to note that this Papal Blessing is not like the ordinary blessings given to people or couples but it is a special blessing bestowed on a Confraternity which needs approval in the Vatican and request by the local Bishop.
Year 14.
The Dinner Dance was held at the Melrose Reception Centre, in Tullamarine, Melbourne. 350 guests attend the Dinner Dance. This year we made a facade of a church with lights and the picture of St. Peter and St. Paul. It was almost the highlight of the evening. We also made a banner of the Confraternity.
Again the music was provided by DJ. Moods music and the Mario Sammartino orchestra. The Maltese United Brass Band took part in the merriment with flag waving and dancing to the lively marches. The hall at the Dinner Dance was lovely and the food was great.
Photos from the Dinner Dance at the Melrose Reception Centre in Tullamarine
Feast of St. Peter & St. Paul at St. Martin De Porres Parish in Avondale Heights
The Solemn Mass in honour of St. Peter and St. Paul, was held at St. Martin De Porres, 158 Military Road in Avondale Heights. The Very Rev. Tony Kerin EV PPEpiscopal Vicar for Justice and Social Service, was very welcoming. Fr. Kerin was assisted by Francis Dalton and Luigi Buccarelli the Master of Ceremonies. Retired Fr. Ron Merrick who celebrated 60 years as a priest was also present. The ceremony commenced with the bells of the Nadur Church playing on CD and then the Antifona ‘Petrus Apostolus’ also on CD before the entrance hymn. Chev. Les Tarczon carrying the Vatican flag, led the procession in the church, followed by Cav. Saverio Greto with the Mace. The Mass was said in Italian and English because its normally the Italian Mass. After the Holy Communion the investiture of the new Knights and Dames in the Confraternity took place. Fr. Tony Kerin read the prayer and blessed the candidates. The new knights and dames were Maria Andronaco, Teresa Di Mauro, Teresa Mamone, Domenica Sabatini, Mario Sabatini, Ante Grasic, Catherine Portelli, Rosa Tornese and Emilio Tornese. After the Mass a procession took place around the church and ended up in the parish hall, were the Maltese United Brass Band played some popular marches. A concert by the orchestra of Chev. Emilio Tornese also took part in the hall. Coffee and cakes were available to everyone. Thanks to the Very Rev. Tony Kerin Parish Priest for his support.
Photo: Procession after the Solemn Mass.
Year 15.
On Sunday, 13 March, 2011, the Confraternity organised a Dinner Dance to raise money for the Heart Foundation in Melbourne. The Dinner dance was held at the Club Italia in Furlong Road, North Sunshine. A sum of $1000.00 was donated to the Heart Foundation.
Photo: Knights and Dames of the Confraternity at the fund raising dinner dance.
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 4 APRIL, 2011 In the meeting of 4 April, 2011, An item to select a Supreme Council of 21 members was passed. In the event that the Grand Master will retire or pass away, the supreme council will elect a grand master, with two thirds of the votes. The number of members on the supreme council can be increased as the Confraternity grows. The grand prior or prior of any chapter can be a member of the Supreme Council.
The Dinner Dance was held at the Club Italia, in Furlong Road, North Sunshine, on Saturday, 25 June, 2011. It was a very successful Dinner Dance. Chev. Alfred Flask of Canberra came to Melbourne to enjoy the festivities. The Grand Master Chev. Peter Paul Portelli, was in Malta on holidays. The Solemn Mass was celebrated at St. Martin De Porres, in Avondale Heights. The candidates who were admitted to the Confraternity were Serena Ignaccolo, Joe Foca and Maria Colombo.
Photo: Knights and dames after the Mass at St. Martin De Porres Church.
Group photo after the investiture ceremony in Nadur - Gozo The investiture of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul took place on Wednesday evening at the Nadur Town Hall . The Grand Master of the Confraternity Peter Paul Portelli started the ceremony by elevating the branch in Nadur to Grand Priory. In his opening speech the Grand Master said that “the seat of the priory on the Maltese Islands is in Nadur, which is his birth place and he wanted to raise it to Grand Priory.” He also thanked the Nadur Local Council for providing the Town Hall for the investiture. The candidates for the investiture were the Minister for Gozo, Giovanna Debono, Ms. Maria Natoli a local Pharmacist, Michael Camilleri Cauchi and Adonai Camilleri Cauchi local artists, Andrew Muscat a tireless local community leader, Carmel Saliba of Victoria Public Relation Officer of the Emergency Response and Rescue Corps (ERRC) and regular contributor for – Charlie Borg of Fontana who resides in Melbourne and he is the Coordinator of the Marian Centre of Ta’ Pinu in Bacchus Marsh. These candidates were anointed Chevaliers of the Confraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul and presented with a medal and a certificate. The ceremony was attended by Chev. Joseph Zerafa and Chev. Andrew Muscat Pisani. The Grand Prior, Dr. Chris Said was not able to attend the ceremony. After the investiture the Minister for Gozo, Dame Giovanna Debono, made a speech. She said “Peter Paul Portelli left Malta many years ago but his heart is still here in Nadur.” The Minister then thanked him for his initiative “to keep us close with the Maltese and Gozitans especially Nadurin in Australia and other parts of the world by establishing the Confraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul.” Dame Maria Natoli a local Councillor and Pharmacist spoke on behalf of the Nadur Local Council. She said that “through the twinning with the towns of Cicciano and Bevano we could establish priories in Italy.” The Grand Master, Peter Paul Portelli, ended the ceremony by congratulating the new Chevaliers and thanking the audience for their attendance.
Feast of Our Lady of Tears of Siracusa The feast of Our Lady of Tears of Siracusa was held in Melbourne on Sunday, 20 November, 2011, at St. Patrick's Cathedral. The celebration was presided by H.E. Mgr. Salvatore Pappalardo Archbishop of Siracusa and H.E. Mgr. Denis Hart Archbishop of Melbourne. A procession after the Mass took place around the Cathedral grounds. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul was invited to take part in the celebrations. Picture: Knights and dames of the Confraternity with Archbishop H.E. Mgr. Salvatore Pappalardo of Siracusa.
CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday, 1st. December, 2011.
This year we had our first Christmas Breakup Party for the members of the Council. This was held as an appreciation for the work that the members do during the year. The members shared the cost of the meal
New Priory in Toronto - Canada
The Grand Master Chev. Peter Paul Portelli, appointed Pauline Zahra as Dame and Prior to the Confraternity. Dame Pauline Zahra is a member of the Cultural Group in Toronto.The investiture ceremony was held on Friday, 17 February, 2012, at the Office of the Maltese Consulate in Toronto.
From Left: Prior Dame Pauline Zahra - Prior, Chev. Frank Attard, Dame Carmen Galea, Ms. Ruth Farrugia Consul of Malta, Chev. Joe Sherri and Rev. Fr. Frank Portelli.
New Chapters in Italy and Peru
In July, 2012, the Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli opened two new chapters one in Italy and the other in Peru.
Chev. Prof. Ciro Romano Chev. Anthony Zammit Prior of Italy Prior of Peru
Erection of two chapters in Germany and Portugal
On the 22 of September, 2012, the Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli erected two new chapters one in Germany and the other in Portugal.
Chev. Prof. Jose M. Ferreira Coelho Chev. Ralf Wegner Grand Prior of Portugal Grand Prior of Germany
The investiture ceremony in Nadur, was held on Friday, 14 December, 2012. Chev. Joe Zerafa was the MC for the occasion. The Mayor of Nadur, Cr. Charles Said, made a welcoming speech. He alsoassisted in the ceremony. Mayor Cr. Charles Said is presenting the Knight's Diploma to Chev. Eddie Vella. Also in the photo Chev. Carmel Saliba - Acting Prior.
Group photo of the knights after the ceremony with Mayor Cr. Charles Said in the middle. From left: Chev. Eddie Vella, Chev. James Azzopardi, Chev. Paul Callus - Safi Malta, Chev. Prior Charlie Xuereb, Mayor of Nadur Cr. Charles Said, Chev. Carmel Saliba - Victoria Gozo, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi, Chev. Guzi Zerafa and Chev. Adonai Camilleri Cauchi.
The first investiture ceremony in the Priory of Peru, was held on Christmas Eve. The first knights and Dames held a Christmas Lunch for the elderly of the parish of Santa Rosa. Fr. Anthony Zammit a missionary priest from Gozo, Malta has been appointed priory for Peru.
On Saturday, 21 January, The Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo, donated a sum of 300 dollars to the mission of Fr. Raymond Portelli. Fr. Raymond is a missionary priest at St. Martin De Porres inIquitos, Peru. Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi presented the money on behalf of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul. In his speech Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi said that the money was raised by the Grand Priory in Melbourne. Photo from left: Chev. Adonai Camilleri Cauchi, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi, Fr. Dr. Raymond Portelli and Acting Prior Chev. Carmel Saliba
FEAST IN HONOUR OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL SATURDAY 23 AND SUNDAY, 1 July, 2012 The annual Dinner Dance was held at the Club Italia, 152 Furlong Road, North Sunshine on Saturday, 2012. 400 guests attended a lovely evening. The music was provided by DJ. Moods Music and the Maltese United Brass Band, played some marches during the merriment. The guest of the evening was Mr. Bernie Finn Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Victoria Government. This was another successful event. Solemn Mass and investiture ceremony
The Solemn Mass was celebrated at St. Martin De Porres Parish by the Very Rev. Tony Kerin EV PP. Episcopal Vicar for Justice and Social Service Parish Priest of St Martin de Porres Parish. After the Holy Communion the investiture of two candidates was held. Peter Paul Portelli the Grand Master presided on the ceremony. Fr. Tony Kerin blessed the candidates Concetta Domma and Carlo Domma. The weather was very cold and the rain started just after the Mass. The procession was cancelled. The knights and dames of the Confraternity and their friends went in the parish hall, where the Maltese United Brass Band played some marches. The celebration came to an end with some dancing to the marches.
New Chapters in Spain and Sicily In the meeting of 11 September, 2013, the Supreme Council approved to open chapters in Spain and Sicily.
Andrés Salvador Soto Martínez Antonio Sciortino Prior of Spain Grand Prior of Sicily
The annual Dinner Dance was held at the Club Italia, 152 Furlong Road, North Sunshine on Saturday, 2013.
The music was provided by DJ Tony and the Maltese United Brass Band played some marches during the merriment.
Solemn Mass and investiture 2013
The Solemn Mass was celebrated at St. Martin De Porres Parish by the
Very Rev. Tony Kerin EV PP. Episcopal Vicar for Justice and Social ServiceParish Priest of St Martin de Porres Parish and assisted by Fr. Anthony Zammit OFM Prior for Peru.
After the Holy Communion the investiture of two candidates was held. Peter Paul Portelli the Grand Master presided on the ceremony. Fr. Anthony Zammit OFM and Tony Kerin blessed the candidates Elaine Cotter and Gail Vas. The weather was very nice and sunny for a winter's day. A procession with the statue of St. Peter and St. Paul took place around the car park of the church, accompanied by the Maltese United Brass Band. The knights and dames of the Confraternity and their friends went in the parish hall, where the Maltese United Brass Band played some marches. The celebration came to an end with some dancing to the marches.
Chaplain of the Confraternity in Melbourne Chevalier Dr. Rev. William Jordan, Father William ‘Bill’ Jordan died yesterday 8 August, 2013 on the Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop after a short illness at Melbourne Private Hospital.
Fr Bill was born on 31 August 1935. He studied for the priesthood at Corpus Christi College, Werribee and Propaganda Fide College, Rome where he was ordained on 21 December 1960 by Cardinal Agagianian. Fr Bill remained in Rome gaining his Licentiate in Theology in 1961, followed by doctoral studies at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, graduating in 1967. On his return to Melbourne he served as assistant priest at Carlton (1967), Caulfield South (1969), and West Melbourne (1971). In 1984 he was appointed Director of Sacred Music. On 26 January 1985 he was appointed Parish Priest of St Brendan’s, Flemington which in 1993 was partnered with Holy Rosary, Kensington. Fr Bill retired as Pastor Emeritus on 12 January 2011.
In September 2012 Fr. Bill Jordan accepted the invitation of the Grand Chapter of Melbourne to become Chaplain of the Confraternity.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul regrets the passing of Chevalier Dr. Rev. William Jordan, He was such a nice priest loved and missed by many, especially the Italian community of Melbourne. Fr. Bill Jordan was a saintly priest.
Fr. Chevalier Dr. Rev. William Jordan, pray for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
New Chapter in New Zealand
In the meeting of 17 February, 2014, the Supreme Council approved to open a chapter in New Zealand.
Nick Pacey was appointed Knight and Prior.
Grand Chapter of Melbourne FEAST IN HONOUR OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL on Sunday, 29 June, 2014
The Feast started on Saturday, 21 June, 2014 with a Dinner Dance at the ICKA Club, 7 Keilor Park Drive, in East Keilor. The music was provided by DJ. Tony and the Maltese United Brass Band. The feast continued with a Solemn Mass on Sunday, 29 June at St. Martin De Porres in Avondale Heights. Fr. Nhan Le celebrated the Mass.
After the Holy Communion the investiture ceremony took place. The following members were admitted to the knighthood of St. Peter & St. Paul:
Chev. Tony Camiolo, Chev. Ange Kenos, Chev. Michael Meilak, Chev. Paul Cutajar, Dame Domenica Centofanti and Dame Mary Camiolo.
Grand Chapter of Malta Investiture ceremony Monday 23 June, 2014
The investiture ceremony to place at the Nadur Town Hall and it was presided by the Grand Master H.E. Peter Paul Portelli, who was on holidays in Malta. The Grand Master welcome everyone to the ceremony and thanked the knights and Dames for their commitment to help those who are less fortunate than us. The Grand Master was assisted by Chev. Charlie Xuereb Prior for the Maltese Chapter.
The following members were admitted to the Grand Chapter of Malta: Dame Sue Ellen Bugeja, Chev. Charles Said ( Mayor of Nadur ) and Chev. Dennis Mifsud ( Ambassador for Europe ).
After the investiture ceremony at the Town Hall the knights of St. Peter & St. Paul attended the novena Mass in the Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul in Nadur.
Group photo from left: Dame Sue Ellen Bugeja, Chev. Dennis Mifsud - Grand Prior, Chev. Charlie Xuereb - Prior, H.E. Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master, Chev. Charles said, Chev. Guzi Zerafa, Chev. Carmel Saliba and Chev. Eddie Vella.
The Chapel of Apparitions, a place usually reserved for high dignitaries, bishops and popes, where the Grand Master and the Portuguese Knights took part in the celebration.
By Cav. Dr. Pedro Laranjeira, Secretary/ Public Relations.
On Tuesday 29 July, 2014, Portugal felt highly honoured with an extraordinary dignifying visit from the opposite side of the planet, which linked Australia and Europe in the common humanitarian goals and moral principles embraced by the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul, a Confraternity with its World Headquarters in the City of Melbourne. Grand Master Peter Paul Portelli represented the Confraternity in a Pilgrimage to Portugal, which included a ceremony of great dignity in one of the holiest places on Earth, the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, to impose Insignia to the Portuguese Knights of the Confraternity. The Confraternity’s Grand Master and his wife were initially received with a lunch in Lisbon Geographical Society, organized by the Group of Côrte-Real Studies, followed by a Solemn Session in English in the noble space of “Sala Portugal”. After a warm welcome by President Luís Aires-Barros, the Pilgrims heard lectures by Deputy Grand Master of the Confraternity, Professor Doctor José Ferreira Coelho, Eng. António Mattos e Silva, Architect Luis Soveral Varella and Vice Admiral Alexandre da Fonseca, Director of the Navy Magazine. Prior to the message by Peter Paul Portelli, Pedro Laranjeira shared with the audience the History of the discovery of Australia by the Portuguese Navigator Cristóvão de Mendonça in 1522, a century before the arrival of the first Dutch and 248 years before Captain Cook. Gifts where then exchanged and the Foundation Luciano da Silva offered the visitors some relics and important documents on the History of Portugal, from the Museum in Cavião. José Ferreira Coelho then guided the noble visitors on a tour of some of the most emblematic Monuments where Lisbon illustrates the many Centuries of Portugal’s History. From the dawn of the next day, the Pilgrims travelled to pay devotion to the Mother of Christ on the very place where her apparitions in 1917 took place, in a rural countryside called Cova da Iria, where now a monumental Shrine evokes the Holy space, many times visited by Popes and Heads of State, among millions and millions of Pilgrims from all over the world. The Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul where honoured with a highly dignified ceremony and the celebration of a dedicated Eucharist, in the very centre of the inner circle of the Chapel of Apparitions, a place usually reserved for high dignitaries, bishops and popes, where the Grand Master and the Portuguese Knights took part in the celebration. For nearly one hour and before thousands of devotees, the Chapel received this new generation of Lusitania Paladins, in a special Mass celebrated by Reverend António Martins, himself a Knight of the Confraternity. Medals and Certificates were blessed for the appointing of the eight Portuguese Knights distinguished by the Confraternity. After the celebration, Knight Professor Doctor José Ferreira Coelho was invested in the position of Deputy Grand Master, and Knight Pedro Laranjeira as Secretary of the Priory of Portugal and Public Relations Officer of the Confraternity. Professor José Ferreira Coelho offered Grand Master Peter Paul Portelli a beautiful image of Mary, to be held in a place of honour at the Headquarters of the Confraternity in Australia. The Australian pilgrims visited the exhibition "Fatima Light and Peace" and some of the most emblematic national monuments, including the Monastery of Batalha and some of the ex-libris of Portugal’s History around the country’s capital. Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul presided on the investiture ceremony in Fatima in the same spot where the Virgin Mary appeared to the three young children Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Lúcia de Jesus dos Santos.
This has been a great privilege for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul to have such a ceremony in the chapel where the apparition took place.
Fr. Manuel Martins said the Mass and blessed the medals. The ceremony was watched by hundreds of pilgrims.
Fr. Manuel Martins, Professor Jose Ferreira Coelho and Dr. Pedro Laranjeira were officially appointed knights of St. Peter & St. Paul to the Chapter of Portugal.
Cavalier Professor Jose Ferreira Coelho was appointed Deputy Grand Master.
New Knights for the Grand Chapter of Malta
The Supreme Council in its meeting of Friday, 14 November, 2014, approved the nomination of Francis Huggerty. Born in Liverpool, England and lives in Limassol Cyprus. Chevalier Francis Huggerty chose to be a member of the Grand Chapter of Malta.
New Priory in Cambridge - Canada
From left: Cav. Keith Clarke, Cav. Francisco ( Frank ) Monteiro, Cav. Richard Fernando Martins, Cav. Silvio Da Silva - Grand Prior and Cav. BobWesthaver.In the meeting of 20 January 2014, the Supreme Council of the Confraternity approved a new prior for the city of Cambridge, in Canada. Silvio Neves da Silva a Division Fire Chief was appointed prior to open a priory in Cambridge. The priory was officially inaugurated on Friday 18 July, 2014. The priory consist of Cav. Silvio Da Silva - Grand Prior for the chapter of Canada, Retired Police Sergeant and City Councillor Cav. Francisco ( Frank ) Monteiro, Fire Fighter Cav. Keith Clarke, Cav. Richard Fernando Martins and Cav. Bob Westhaver.
Cav. Silvio Da Silva has been appointed Grand Prior for the priories of Toronto and Cambridge.
New Chapter of British Columbia
In the Meeting of 9 April, 2015 the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul approved to open a chapter in British Columbia.
Guenter Alfred Rieger was appointed Knight and Prior .
New Chapters of the Philippines and Belarus In the Meeting of Thursday, 17 May, 2015, the Supreme Council approved the new chapters of the Philippines and Belarus.
Chevalier Ramon Moreno Chevalier Cvetelin Ivanov Grand Prior of the Philippines Prior of Belarus
New Chapter of Kenya and Bulgaria
The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in the Meeting of Wednesday, 7 October 2015, officially opened the Chapter of Kenya and Bulgaria.
Chevalier Paul Mwanzia Chevalier Boyan Vladimirov Prior of Kenya Prior of Bulgaria
New Chapter of North Carolina - USA
The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in the Meeting of Monday, 28 December 2015, officially approved the new Chapter of North Carolina. Chevalier H.G. Archbishop Andrew McMenamin was appointed Grand Prior for the Grand Chapter of the USA.
New Chapters in the United States of America The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in the Meeting of Monday 1 February, 2016, officially approved the new chapters of Louisiana, Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois and Pennsylvania. Congratulations to all the successful appointees.
V.R. Msgr. Joshua Copeland Matthew Whisman H.G. Bishop Kyrill Esposito H.G. Bishop James Mills Prior of Louisiana Prior of Kentucky Prior for Illinois Prior of Pennsylvania
New Chapter of Armenia
The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in the Meeting of Monday 1 February, 2016, officially approved the new Chapter of Armenia. Chevalier Sahak Antanesyan was appointed Prior.
A historic day for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Sunday, 10 April, 2016. Seat of the Confraternity Melbourne, Australia. Presentation of the Holy Relics of St. Peter and St. Paul The historic presentation of the Holy Relics of St. Peter and St. Paul took place this morning at the Parish Church of St. Peter Chanel in Deer Park, Melbourne. Many knight and dames took part in the celebration of the Mass. The church was full of worshipers for the occasion. After the Holy Communion Fr. Manuel Sunaz Parish Priest of Deer Park was invested Knight of Honour and Chaplain of the Confraternity in Melbourne. After the blessing everyone was invited to kiss the Holy Relics of St. Peter and St. Paul. The Holy relics of St. Peter & St. Paul were obtained through the kindness of the good Franciscan Nuns, the Poor Clares of St Francis. The Grand Chapter of the Philippines and the Grand Prior Chevalier Ramon Moreno have been helping them rebuild and repair their old monastery and in gratitude they obtained the Holy Relics through their Monastery in France. God has his ways for the hundreds of years old relics to be given as a gift to the Seat of the Confraternity in Melbourne. 500 dollars were collected to Caritas in the Philippines. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul will donate some money as well. Our gratitude to Grand Prior Chevalier Ramon Moreno for this gift. Chevalier and Chaplain Fr. Manuel Sunaz said afterwards: I am happy to be your chaplain and knight in the Confraternity. Please guard well the relics of St. Peter & St. Paul as it carries with it a great history and traditions through the hands of many holy men and women. May its presence in the Confraternity wake up the zeal in each one of the members. May the Risen Lord bless you all. Fr. Manuel Sunaz. CMF.
A Chapter for Scotland
The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in its meeting of 5th. May, 2016, approved to open a chapter in Scotland. Eddie Halstead has been appointed Knight and Prior for Scotland. We wish Knight Eddie Halstead all the very best to build a successful chapter. God bless.
New Knight for the Chapter of Spain
In the meeting of Thursday, 5th. May, 2016 the Supreme Council of the Confraternity approved to admit Jose Luis Trillo of Barcelona as a new knight, of the Chapter of Spain. His role is to build the chapter of Spain with honest, humble and caring leaders of the community. God bless.
Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Swan Hill - Melbourne Sunday 17th. July 2016.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul on Saturday 16 July, 2016 travelled to Swan Hill in the northwest of Victoria for the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The feast was celebrated on Sunday, 17 July, by the Italian community of Swan Hill. His Grace bishop Paul Bird of the diocese of Ballarat was the prime celebrant, he was assisted by Fr. Marcello Colasante parish priest. After the Mass a procession with the statue was held around the streets of the church. Group photo with Bishop Paul Bird of the Diocese of Ballarat - Melbourne. Victoria.
Meeting the President of the Republic of Malta
Saturday, 23 July, 2016.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Melbourne had the opportunity to meet the President of the Republic of Malta Her Excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca during her visit to Melbourne. The President visited the Maltese Cultural Centre in Albion and she was greeted by the President of the Centre by Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
The President of the Republic of Malta H. E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca visited the Maltese Cultural Centre in Albion, Melbourne on Saturday 23 July, 2016 and she was greeted by Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli President of the Centre and his wife Mary Portelli. The Knights and Dames of the Grand Chapter of Melbourne were also present to greet her.
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
The feast of Our Lady of Fatima was organized by the Maltese Cultural Centre and the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. It was held on Sunday, 16 October, 2016, at the Maltese Cultural Centre in Albion. Melbourne. It was a very solemn celebration fit for the Queen of heaven. The celebration started with the Holy Rosary and after each decade the Ave Maria was sung by the Resurrection Parish Choir of Kings Park. This followed by a Mass celebrated by Fr. Emanuel Adami MSSP. The was truly a beautiful celebration to honour the Virgin Mary of Fatima. Photos by Mary Portelli.
The feast of St. Paul was held on Sunday 19 February, 2017 at St. Paul's Parish Church in Glengala Road, West Sunshine. Bishop Mark Edwards presided in the Holy Eucharist, he was assisted by Fr. Manuel Sunaz Chaplain of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul and Parish Priest and Fr. Louis. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul was invited to take part. A procession with the statue of St. Paul took place after the Mass.
Group photo with Bishop Mark Edwards and Fr. Manuel Sunaz Chaplain of the Confraternity.
CONVENTION 2017 IN MALTA Saturday 24 June
The Convention in Malta was very successful with 45 delegates attending most of the major events. The delegates came from Melbourne Australia, Germany, Portugal, Bulgaria and Malta. The Convention started on Saturday, 24 June, 2017 with a solemn Mass by His Excellency Bishop Mons. Emanuel Barbara OFM Cap of Malindi Kenya, in the Basilica of St. Peter & St. Paul. After the Mass the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul donated money to his mission in Kenya. Money was also donated to Fr. Dr. Raymond Portelli a missionary priest in Peru. Group photo with H.E. Bishop Mons. Emanuel Barbara after the Mass.
Eve of the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul Wednesday 28 June, 2017 Nadur. Gozo.
The Convention continued on Wednesday 28 June with a meeting at the Town Hall of Nadur, in Gozo, Malta. Chevalier Grand Chancellor Joseph Coleiro open the meeting by introducing the Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and the delegates. Some items of interest were presented to the delegates to be approved. One item of interest was that a candidate must serve as a sister or brother to the Confraternity before he or she is admitted as a knight or dame. After all the items were presented for approval by the delegates, an investiture ceremony of five candidates took place. The Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli presided on the ceremony. Fr. Manuel Sunaz Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of Melbourne read the prayer while the candidates repeated after him. Mary Portelli wife of the Grand Master, Virginia Coleiro, Charles Coleiro, Henrique José Carvalho Ruas and Casimira da Conceição Pereira Ruas took the vow of obedience to the Confraternity and were admitted knights and dames. A special ceremony to renew the vow of obedience by all the delegates was held and a certificate was presented to all as a momentum for the 20th. anniversary of the Confraternity. The meeting concluded with a speech by the Mayor of Nadur Dr. Edward Said.
Afterwards the delegates walked to the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to meet with the clergy and the bishop of Gozo H.E. Mons. Dr. Mario Grech for the Translation of the Holy relics of St. Peter & St. Paul in a procession to the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul.
Grand chapter of Scotland
Chevalier Eddie Halstead meet with His Eminence Cardinal Burke of the USA.
Solemnity of the feast of the Chair of St. Peter 22 February, 2018.
New Grand Prior for Germany
The Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli chose the liturgical feast of the Chair of St. Peter to appoint Chevalier Peter Neuen as the new Grand Prior of Germany, succeeding Professor Lothar Gellert who resigned on the 20th. of February, 2018.
Guardians of the Confraternity
In the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul, on Wednesday 31 January, 2018, the Council honoured the late Bishop Msgr. Emanuel Barbara OFM. Cap and Rev. Fr. Dr. William Jordan as Guardians of the Confraternity. Bishop Emanuel Barbara was very supportive of the Confraternity, while Fr. William Jordan was the first chaplain. Guardians of the Confraternity, Pray for us.
Helping the farmers in Giffard West in Melbourne Australia Saturday 9 March, 2019
Members of the Supreme Council of the Confraternity travelled to Giffard West in South Gippsland to meet with the farmers who were facing financial difficulties to operate their properties.
Photo. Members of the Supreme Council met with the farmers in Giffard West to give them much needed financial support with the drought.
Grand Chapter of Germany
Feast of Corpus Christi Thursday, 20. June 2019.
The Grand Prior Chevalier Peter Michael Neuen and the Chancellor Dame Gabriele Neuen took part in the celebration of Corpus Christi In Deidesheim on Thursday, 20. June 2019.
An altar was built in a beautiful park and then the priest blessed the participants. It was a nice and worthy event that the Grand Prior and the Chancellor will be attending again next year."
Donation of Cloths
On Monday, 12. August, 2019, the Chancellor Dame Gabriele Neuen donated bags of cloths to the regional projects, such as the social department store "Fairness" in Neustadt / Weinstr. a facility for the creation of socially insured jobs for persons with disabilities. Donations in kind (clothes, small pieces of furniture, electrical articles, books and household goods) can be given here, which are again used by needy people and do not just end up in the garbage. Favourable prices can thus help this people who have to turn around the cent twice and it creates jobs for people with disabilities, so an optimal help for self-help!
Photos: Chancellor Dame Gabriele Neuen presented some bags with donations in kind to Mrs. Friedrich von Fairness Neustadt. All the Conseurs and Confreres can support similar projects in their area, any kind of help to these organisations will help people in need.
Click on pictures below to enlarge.
Grand Chapter of Melbourne
Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul in Melbourne Sunday 30 June, 2019
The Grand Chapter of Melbourne celebrated the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul on Sunday 30 June, 2019 in the parish of St. Martin De Porres in Avondale Heights.
Fr. Victor Shields MSSP celebrated the Mass.
Grand Chapter of Malta Seat in Nadur Gozo. Monday 24 June, 2019.
The Grand Chapter of Malta had it's investiture ceremony on Monday 24 June at the City Hall in Nadur. Candidates Joe Louis Meilak and Joe M Attard were ordained new knights of the Confraternity.
Afterwards the members attended a Mass in the Basilica celebrated by the Rev. Dr. Raymond Portelli MD a missionary priest in Peru. After the Mass the Confraternity donated money to his mission.
Photo: Newly appointed Chevalier Joe Louis Meilak with Chancellor Chevalier Eddie Vella and Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli
On Friday, 28 June, the Grand Chapter took part in a procession accompanied by the clergy and Bishop of Gozo H.E. Mario Grech and afterwards in the Pontifical Vespers.
On Saturday 29 June, the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul the Confraternity attended the Pontifical Mass in the Basilica of Nadur. The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli presented the medal of the Confraternity to Bishop Mario Grech.
Grand Chapter of Malta Office address: Nadur Gozo. Thursday 15 August, 2019
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Grand Chapter of Malta is based in Nadur, Gozo.
The summer of 2019 was a very busy time for the grand chapter, on two occasions we donated money to missions in Peru.
On Thursday 15 August, feast of the Assumption of Our Lady the Confraternity donated money to the mission of Bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSPa Malteseprelate who heads the Territorial prelature of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, Peru.
Thanks to the Archpriest of the Parish of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur the Rev. Monsignor Jimmy Xerri, now we have a meeting room in Nadur, that we can use for our memorabilia.
Pictures below: Monsignor Jimmy Xerri Parish Priest of Nadur and Rev. Reuben Micallef Assistant Parish Priest welcomes H. E. Mons. Bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSP to the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul. Group photo of the Grand Chapter of Malta with Bishop Giovanni Cefai after the Mass. Click on picture below to enlarge.
Grand Chapter of Portugal
Grand Master's visit Wednesday 3 July, 2019.
The Deputy Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Professor Jose Ferreira Coelho and his Lady welcomed the Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and Dame Mary Portelli in Lisbon on Wednesday 3 July, 2019.
After a short sight seeing trip around Lisbon, the group attended a book presentation by Professor Jose Ferreira Coelho at the Academia de Marinha.
Afterwards the group mingled with other guests over some beautiful Portuguese wines.
During the week long visit, the group visited many places of interest including Sintra, Mafra, Fatima and Porto.
In Mafra the group attended the Wine Fraternity convention and a concert at the Cathedral.
On Monday 8 July, the group met in Fatima with Chevalier Padre Antonio Manuel Martins for lunch and a tour of the Holy Sight where the Virgin Mary appeared to the three children Francisco and Jacinta Marto and their cousin Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos.
The group visited the home of Francesco and Jacinta Marto before Chevalier Padre Antonio Manuel Martins celebrated Mass for the occasion at the Chapel in Valinhos.
The trip in Portugal ended with a tour of the river and the city of Porto.
Thanks to His Excellency Chevalier Jose Ferreira Coelho and Chevalier Padre Antonio Manuel Martins for a beautiful week in Portugal.
Click on pictures below to enlarge.
Treaty of Friendship and Collaboration 27 January, 2021
The Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul agreed to establish an Alliance of Friendship with one of the oldest and largest chivalric order of knights, the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem.
The purpose of the alliance is to share ideas and participate together in ceremonies and public meetings when it is possible.
On the 17 February, 2021, the Supreme Council approved the nominations of Vito Dibitonto and Rocco Michele Renne
The Grand Prior of Italy Chevalier Nicola Mongelli has nominated two candidates for knighthood.
Photo: From left Vito Dibitonto and Rocco Michele Renne
Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Grand Chapter of Malta Office in Nadur. Gozo. 10 February, 2021.
The Grand Chapter had its investiture ceremony on the feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck on Malta. The investiture was held at the Office of the Confraternity in " Dar l-Imnarja" in December 13, Street. Nadur, Gozo.
Because of the pandemic the number of guests were limited to a few people.
The ceremony was presided by Chevalier Joseph Louis Meilak with the assistance of Chevalier Carmel Saliba and Chevalier Eddie Vella.
The candidates Jean Paul Portelli, James Buttigieg and Matthias Mercieca took the oath of a knight to serve God and His people.
Certificates were presented to the new knights.
Afterwards a donation was presented to Fr. Dr. Raymond Portelli to aid his mission in Peru.
Photo from left. Chev. Eddie Vella, Chev. Jean Paul Portelli, Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak, Chev. Carmel Saliba, Chev. James Buttigieg and Chev. Matthias Mercieca.
Donation to the mission of St. Martin de Porres in Iquitos, Peru Grand Chapter of Malta " Dar l-Imnarja" Nadur. Gozo. 10 February, 2021.
The Grand Chapter of Malta donated a sum of money to the aid of missionary Fr. Dr. Raymond Portelli who is currently in Gozo, to his mission in Peru to fight against COVID-19. Well done to the knights and dames of Malta. Photo from left: Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak - Chancellor, Fr. Dr. Raymond Portelli and Chev. Carmel Saliba - Secretary/PRO.
First Chapter run by a Parish 15 October, 2020 Today I have the pleasure to announce the birth of a chapter in Puerto Rico This week, the Supreme Council of the Confraternity, accepted a request by Mitered Archimandrite His Excellency The Rt. Revd. Dr. Andrew Vujisic to open a chapter in Puerto Rico. This is the first chapter to be run by a church, I hope that many others will follow. The founder of the chapter is the Mitered Archimandrite His Excellency The Rt. Revd. Dr. Andrew Vujisic of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic church. Welcome to the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.l On behalf of the Supreme Council and the Confraternity in general we thank the Mitered Archimandrite His Excellency The Rt. Revd. Dr. Andrew Vujisic and Protopresbyter Dr. Fr. Peter DiLeo-Vulić, CFT Registrar Emeritus for taking interest in our Most Respected Confraternity.
Treaty of Alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church in Union with Old Rome
10 February, 2021 Today is a great day for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul, a treaty of alliance is signed with the Parish of St. SpyridonRussian Orthodox Church in Union with Old Rome.
The aim is to work together to serve God and His people.
Chapter of Malawi
Chevalier Rev. Fr. Joseph Sikwese has been appointed Prior for the new chapter of Malawi in Africa. Fr. Joseph is a Pastoral Secretary and Bishop’s Secretary Karonga Diocese.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Melbourne Sunday 27 June, 2021.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Melbourne celebrated the feast of the Patron saints. The Mass was celebrated by Chevalier Fr. Frank Buhagiar PE Chaplain of the Confraternity in Melbourne. Despite the times of the pandemic a nice number of knights and dames attended the celebration. Some Members came from miles away in the East of Melbourne. The celebration was held at St. Martin De Porres Parish Church in Avondale Heights. After the Holy Communion the investiture of three knights took place. Congratulations to the new members Chevalier Fr. Frank Buhagiar, Chevalier and Dr. Mark Hobart. Thank you to the helpers for making the celebration possible, especially Dame Angela Greto and Dame Mimma Sabatini who contributed their time and energy to make the celebration a success.
Newspaper reports: Croatian Herald Melbourne
Il Globo Newspaper Melbourne
New Prior for Spain 13 January, 2022.
The Grand Master of the Confraternity His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli have the pleasure to appoint Chevalier Pablo J. Carreres Gargallo as the new Prior for Spain. Dated today 13 January, 2022.
New Chapter in Brazil 15 January, 2022
The Grand Master and the Supreme Council of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul have the pleasure to appoint Matheus Meirelles Marquetti as Chevalier and Prior for the new chapter of Brazil dated today 15 January, 2022.
New Knight in Gozo 13 February, 2022
Yesterday in a meeting held in the Office of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo, Police Sergeant Jonathan Vella was appointed knight of the Confraternity for his services to the community. I am sure that the leadership quality of Chevalier Sergeant Jonathan Vella will help the poor and the sick and the success of the Confraternity. In the meeting a donation was given to Fr. Raymond Portelli a missionary priest and medical doctor in Peru. Chevalier Chancellor Joseph Louis Meilak presided over the meeting with Chevalier Carmel Saliba [ Secretary/PRO ] Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi and Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi were present. Congratulations Chevalier Sgt. Jonathan Vella. Well done to all who donated to Fr. Raymond Portelli
Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP Seat in Melbourne. Australia.
FEAST OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL IN MELBOURNE 26 June, 2022. The Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul in Melbourne started the celebration with a Lunch at the Melrose Reception Centre in Tullamarine. 165 Members and friends came together to celebrate this event. The music was fantastic and the Maltese Own Band Philharmonic Society played some merriment marches. It was the first such an event after the pandemic.
Grand Chapter of Malta Office: " Dar l-Imnarja" 13 December Street, Nadur. Gozo. 28 June. 2022
The Grand Chapter of Malta had its investiture ceremony at the Office of the Confraternity, on the 28th June 2022, the eve of the feast of St Peter and St Paul. Afterwards the Members took part in a procession with the Clergy of the parish from the Sacred Heart church to the Bailica of Nadur. The Members of the Grand Chapter of Malta also attended the Pontifical Mass on the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul.
Chapter in Ireland 29 June, 2022
The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli chose the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul to appoint Patrick Reid as a Knight and Prior to establish a chapter in Ireland.
New Deputy Grand Master for Melbourne 29 June, 2022
The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli chose the feast of St. Peter and Paul to appointed Chevalier Mario Sabatini as Deputy Grand Master for his long service to the Confraternity.
Sunday 17 July, 2022
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul had the belated feast of St. Peter and St. Paul at St. Martin De Porres Parish in Avondale Heights, Melbourne. The Solemn Mass was celebrated by Chevalier Fr. Frank Buhagiar PE Chaplain of the Confraternity, he was assisted by Monsignor Fr. Bosiljko Rajic and Fr. Velimir Maglica of the Croatian Catholic Centre of Clifton Hill. The Republic of Croatia was represented by Consul Counsellor, Mrs. Marina Rogina. Five new dames were invested in the Confraternity. The celebration was well attended by the knights and dames. Thanks to all the Members who helped make this celebration a success. Thanks to everyone for your support.
Supreme Council of the Confraternity 29 June, 2022
His Grace The Most Rev. Archbishop Peter A Comensoli Archbishop of Melbourne Thursday, 29 September, 2022 I was made an honorary member of the Confraternity of Sts Peter and Paul today. Formed in Gozo, Malta and now led from Australia, it is a society of the faithful with a serious commitment to charitable concerns. May the Lord bless them.
Pictures below: Presentation of a picture frame of St. Peter and Paul in the Mamertine Prison and a copy of the history of the Confraternity.
Grand Chapter of Melbourne Thursday 27 October, 2022
The bells of St Patrick’s Cathedral rang in celebration through the streets of Melbourne on Thursday 27 October as the Archdiocese marked a momentous milestone: the 125th anniversary of the cathedral’s consecration. On this day 125 years ago, in a solemn ritual lasting four hours, the cathedral was officially consecrated by Archbishop Thomas Carr, set aside for its sacred purpose of being the ‘mother church’ in Melbourne. More than 1,200 people were in attendance for the anniversary Mass, including representatives of many different Catholic organisations, members of parliament, bishops, priests, religious and many of Melbourne’s faithful. Members of the family of Mary Glowrey were also present for the occasion, her great nieces Mary O’Shaughnessy and Louise McGrath. Bathed in the soft yellow glow of the cathedral windows, this was a chance for the Catholics of Melbourne to joyfully give thanks for the cherished gift of St Patrick’s Cathedral. In a gesture of poignant symbolism, Archbishop Peter A Comensoli celebrated Mass bearing the crozier of Bishop James Alipius Goold, Melbourne’s first bishop and arguably the man most responsible for the cathedral’s existence. The pectoral cross he wore was that of Archbishop Thomas Carr, Melbourne’s second archbishop, who oversaw the building’s completion. The chalice, which was also used at the cathedral’s consecration, was a gift from Pope Leo XIII.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul (Grand Chapter of Melbourne) was invited to participate in the joyful and memorable event. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli, the Grandmaster, and a group of Knights and Dames of the Confraternity wearing their red robes with the Maltese Cross participated in the Holy Mass at the cathedral to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the consecration of our Cathedral.
The Confraternity would like to thank the Archbishop His Grace Peter Comensoli and the staff of the Archdiocese for inviting the confraternity to this joyous celebration. The rain didn't dampen the faithful to travel to the city to be part of the celebration. Many priests concelebrated Mass together with the Archbishop to commemorate this special anniversary. His Grace Archbishop Peter Comensoli is an Honorary Member of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul
Click on pictures below to enlarge.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta Office: "Dar l'Imnarja" December 13 Street, Nadur. Gozo.
The Confraternity in Malta is collecting food from the Basilica of St. Peter and Paul in Nadur and from the Town Hall of the local Council. The food will be distributed to the needy at Christmas time. Thank you to our Chapter in Malta for their initiative, thank you to the Archpriest of the Basilica Mons. Jimmy Xerri for his support, the Town Council and most of all thank you to those who donated.
For “whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto me,” says the Lord Jesus. Let us pray, reflect and as ourselves: Have I seen the Lord in my brothers and sisters? Did I give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and the prisoner? The Grand Master and the Supreme Council. Melbourne. Australia.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Melbourne. Thursday 8 December, 2022. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Melbourne, had their Christmas Party at Club Italia in Furlong Road, in North Sunshine. It was a wonderful get together and everyone had a lovely time. Someone said " we are a big family of people working together for those who are less fortunate than ourselves". The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli thanked the Members for their help and participation during the year. It was a very good year for the Confraternity, we had two successful fundraising events and also attended some church celebrations, including the 125th Anniversary of the consecration of St. Patrick's Cathedral. We also had the opportunity to have an audience with The Most Rev. Peter Comensoli, Archbishop of Melbourne at his Office in the City and he joined our Confraternity as an Honorary Member. This year we also established a friendship with the Croatian Catholic Centre of Clifton Hill, which could lead to better things in the future. The Deputy Grand Master Chevalier Mario Sabatini and Archgrand Prior Dame Angela Greto thanked the Members for helping during the year especially Maria and Tony Camiolo for helping with the raffle tickets. God bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta 9 December, 2022.
The Grand Chapter of Malta organized its first Charity Christmas Dinner at St. Anthony's Hall in Ghajnsielem. A nice number of knights and dames attended the event, with some friends of the Confraternity. Fr. Mario Cassar, a missionary priest in Kenya was one of the guests. The company of friends and the good food made it an excellent night. A nice amount of money was raised, considering there was another major event in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul at the same time and other functions happening during this time of the year.. Congratulations to the Committee and everyone who helped to make the function a success. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
DEATH OF CARDINAL GEORGE PELL It is with great sadness to have learned that Cardinal George Pell, the seventh Archbishop of Melbourne, has died overnight from heart complications following hip surgery in Rome, Italy. George Pell AC was an Australian cardinal of the Catholic Church He served as the inaugural prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy between 2014 and 2019, and was a member of the Council of Cardinal Advisers between 2013 and 2018. Ordained a priest in 1966, bishop of Melbourne in 1987, Archbishop of Melbourne (1996–2001. He was made a Cardinal in 2003. Cardinal Pell led the local Church of Melbourne from 1996 to 2001 with strong leadership in the Catholic faith and with good governance, before being transferred to Sydney and then to Rome. This morning Dame Mary Portelli and I said a prayer for the soul of Cardinal Pell at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne. His Eminence Cardinal George Pell approved the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul when he was Archbishop of Melbourne. May eternal light shine upon him, and may he now rest in peace and rise to glory in the Lord. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter and St. Paul was invited by the Croatian Catholic Church of Clifton Hill in Melbourne, to take part in a Mass to conclude the 60th anniversary celebrations of their mission in Australia. The Most Rev. Bishop Terence Curtin celebrated the Mass with Monsignor Bosiljko Rajić, Fr. Velimir Maglica and a young priest from Sarajevo Fr. Josip Papak. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul and the Croatian Catholic Centre of Clifton Hill collaborates together to serve God and His people. The Confraternity presented a donation to pay for one of the pews in the church. It was a beautiful celebration. Thank you to our knights and dames who took part in the celebration. The Grand Master and the Supreme Council of the Confraternity.
Certificate of approval
Certificate of approval
Tie of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 15 April, 2023. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul has made its own ties with the coat of arms of the Confraternity. Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and the Grand Chancellor Chevalier Joseph Coleiro with a sample of the tie of the Confraternity.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta On 19th April 2023 two volumes 1 and 2 covering the 25 years of the Confraternity were presented to the Nadur Mayor Edward at the Nadur Local by the Grand Prior Joseph Meilak. The Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul will hold the International Convention in Nadur, Gozo between 25 - 29 June, 2023. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP Seat in Melbourne, Australia will be present. This Convention is to be held in collaboration with the Nadur Local Council. Everyone is welcome. Photo 1. From L. to R. Chev. Carmel Saliba Secretary, Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak Grand Prior, Edward Said Nadur Mayor, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi Prior and Chev. Peter Ray Said Treasurer. Photo 2 Volume 1 and 2 covering the history of 25 years between 1997 to 2023 of the Confraternity of St Peter and St Paul. Photos Chev. Carmel Saliba.
DONATION TO A MISSION IN KENYA Grand Chapter of Malta Sunday 23 April, 2023.
Today after the Sunday Mass in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, the Grand Chapter of Malta presented a donation of over 500 Euros to Fr. Mario Cassar a missionary priest in Kenya. Thank you to our knights and dames in Malta for their contribution and their efforts to raise a nice sum of money for the poor in Kenya. St. Peter and St. Paul were the first missionaries of Jesus, they went far and wide to preach the gospel. Today our Confraternity is helping missionaries to reach out to preach the gospel and feed the poor. God bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP Seat in Melbourne. Australia.
Fundraising Luncheon Grand Chapter of Melbourne 30 April, 2023.
Today the Grand Chapter of Melbourne had a fundraising luncheon at the Nancye Kirchner Neighbourhood Centre in Avondale Heights.
It was another successful event. The food was fantastic and the music was great. Everyone enjoyed themselves.
Thank you to all the helpers, the members for their support and everyone who attended the event.
The next Luncheon is a Special one where we celebrate the feast of our Patron Saints Peter and Paul. This year it will be held on Sunday 11 June, before some members travel to Malta for the knights meeting there.
Convention Poster in Nadur, Gozo. Grand Chapter of Malta 17 May, 2023.
Today, the Municipal Council of Nadur, installed the poster for the Knights Convention in Sts. Peter and Paul Square. Big thank you to the Grand Chapter of Malta based in Nadur and the Municipal Council for a job well done. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP Seat in Melbourne. Australia.
SUPPORTING THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Grand Chapter of Melbourne This year, the Confraternity contributed a donation of $1,000 to the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Big thank you to our friends who attend our fundraising events. God bless you in St. Peter and Paul. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Feast of St. Peter & St. Paul in Melbourne, Australia Grand Chapter of Melbourne 2023
The Mass was celebrated by Chevalier Rev. Fr. Frank Buhagiar PE Chaplain of the Confraternity, Chevalier Rev. Monsignor Bosiljko Rajic and Chevalier Rev. Fr. Fr. Velimir Maglica. The celebration took place at St. Martin De Porres Parish in Avondale Heights. Before the Mass Fr. Frank Buhagiar presided over the investiture of the new knights and dame. The candidates Rev. Monsignor Bosiljko Rajic, Rev. Fr. Fr. Velimir Maglica, Connie Genua and Giuseppe Belline took a vow to imitate St. Peter and Paul in their missionary life, to help the poor and the sick. In his homely Fr. Frank Buhagiar emphasized that every day, we should pray to St. Peter and Paul to pray for us. The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli thanked everyone for their attendance. He said that the Confraternity is honoured to have such a connection with the Croatian Catholic Church in Clifton Hill. St. Peter and Paul Pray for us.
FEAST OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL CELEBRATED IN MELBOURNE Festive Lunch Sunday 11 June, 2023. Today, the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul celebrated its feast with a Lunch. It was very successful. The food and the music was great. Confraternity members from different backgrounds celebrated the feast with joy. Flags of Australia, Italy, Malta, Croatia and the Vatican added more colours of the smaller ones. Thank to all the helpers who worked yesterday and today to make this event so successful.
Knights Convention of the Confraternity in Nadur Gozo, Malta Sunday 25 June, 2023
The Grand Chapter of Malta opened the celebrations of the feast of St. Peter and Paul with a Lunch at Rabokk Restaurant, where most of the Members ordered spaghetti with rabbit stew. It was lovely. Thank you to the organizers and everyone who attended. We also had members from Western Australia and from Naples in Italy. The money raised was for the priests of Malawi ho where visiting for the convention.
Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul Nadur, Gozo. Tuesday 27 June, 2023. Nadur, Gozo. The Parish Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo, Malta celebrated a Mass for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul as part of the programm of festivities in Nadur. The Very Reverend Mons. Jimmy Xerri, Archpriest of the Basilica presided on the Mass, celebrated by 6 other priests including Chevalier Mons. Salv Pace, Chevalier Fr. Peter Ntayamanja and Chevalier Fr. Joseph Mkinga. Chevalier Fr. Peter Ntayamanja and Chevalier Fr. Joseph Mkinga are from the Chapter of Malawi.
Group photo with the Clergy and the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in front of the statue. Photo by Alessio Sultana
The Clergy of the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul during the celebration. 27 June, 2023. Nadur. Gozo. Photo by Alessio Sultana
Convention of the Confraternity in Nadur, Gozo Grand Chapter of Malta 28 June, 2023 The Convention of the Confraternity was held at the Office of the Confraternity in "Dar L-Imnarja" in December 13 Street, Nadur, Gozo. A nice numbe knights and dames from Melbourne, Australia, Western Australia, Italy, Malawi and from Gozo attended the Convention. The Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli opened the convention by thanking all the members for their participation. During the convention the Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli presided on the inventiture ceremony. He was assisted by Chevalier Joseph Louis Meilak Grand Prior of the Grand Chapter of Malta. The 2 candidates, Antonia Portelli and Rita Portelli were invested in the Confraternity. The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli presented the medals to the new dames. The Grand Master also presented the medals to Chevalier Fr. Joseph Mkinga and Chevalier Fr. Peter Ntayamanja from the chapter of Malawi who were taking part in the convention.
Group photo of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter & St Paul: Standing from left: Chev. Pietro Bernardo, Dame Mary Portelli, Chev. Eddie Vella, Chev. Fr. Joseph Mkinga, Chev. Fr. Peter Ntayamanja, Dame Rita Portelli, Dame Antonia Portelli, Chev. Nick De Luca, Dame Nuccia De Luca and Chev. Charlie Xuereb. Sitting from left: Chev. Peter Ray Said, Chev. Carmel Saliba, Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak, Chev. Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi, Chev. Jonathan Vella and Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi. Photo Carmel Saliba 28.6.23.
Procession and Vespers Grand Chapter of Malta 28 June, 2023 After the Convention meeting, the Confraternity took part in the procession with the Clergy and the bishop of Gozo from the Sacred Heart Church to the Basilica of the St. Peter and Paul in Nadur for the Vespers.
Solemnity of the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul Nadur, Gozo. 29 June, 2023.
Group photo in front of the statue of St. Peter and St. Paul Photo by Martin Attard.
The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and Dame Mary Portelli presented the history of the Confraternity Volume II to His Eminence Mario Grech during the opening of the Parish Youth Centre in Kercem. The Grand Master was acommpanied by Dame Mary Portelli, Chev. Rev. Fr. Peter Ntayamanja and Chev. Rev. Fr. Joseph Mkinga of Malawi in Africa. Chev. Fr. Peter Ntayamanja and Chev. Fr. Joseph Mkinga were in Gozo for the Knights Convention of the Confraternity.
Today the Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and Dame Mary Portelli had an audience with His Grace the Most Reverend Monsignor Charles Scicluna Archbishop of Malta at the Curia in Floriana. The Grand Master presented Archbishop Charles Scicluna with copies of the history of the Confraternity. God bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul.
Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Investment of Monsignor Joseph Cauchi in the Confraternity. Thursday 27 July, 2023.
The Grand Chapter of Malta based in Nadur, Gozo, held a meeting at Dar L-Imnarja in December 13 Street, Nadur. The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli chaired the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Monsignor Joseph Cauchi was invested as an Knight of Honour in the Confraternity. Chevalier Monsignor Joseph Cauchi thanked the Grand Master and the Members of the Grand Chapter of Malta for this honour. Chevalier Monsignor Joseph Cauchi said that we should pray for the parish of Nadur and the whole church.
The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli met with the Bishop of Gozo, His Excellency Anton Teuma at the Cathedral. The Grand Master was accompanied by Chevalier Grand Prior Joseph Meilak and Chevalier Monsignor Joseph Cauchi. The Grand Master presented His Excellency Bishop Teuma with the history of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 15 Aug. 2023. Meeting with Prof. Chevalier Lt. Heinz-Peter Platzer Today Mary and I had the pleasure to meet with Prof. Chevalier Lieutenant Heinz-Peter Platzer of the Grand Chapter of Austria. We met on the cruise ship MS VIVA TWO in Vienna. It was great to meet with the Professor in person. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Nadur, Gozo. Malta. 31 August, 2023
Permission has been given to the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul to use the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for religious functions. The aim is to take part in important religious celebrations like Christmas, Easter and the Solemnity of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Confraternity is forever grateful to the Family owners of the church for granting permission to use it. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
I have the pleasure to inform you that it is all good to start using the church of the Sacred Heart of Gesù for your functions. I have spoken to both the family and the permission of the bishop of Gozo and the clergy of Nadur. Jonathan Grech.
Yesterday, Mary and I were invited to meet with the President of the Republic of Malta, His Excellency George Vella, at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Melbourne. The President is currently visiting the Maltese community in Australia. It was a very interesting meeting where Mary and I presented H E President Vella a copy of the history of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. President Vella was impressed to hear about the work of the Confraternity here in Melbourne and in Malta. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
Confraternity of Knights present books to Gozo National Library BY GOZO NEWS · NOVEMBER 13, 2023 Grand Chapter of Malta.
Three books of the history of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul Vol. 2 covering from 2017 to 2022, have been presented to Ms Elizabeth Ebejer Director Gozo Libraries by the Grand Prior Joseph Meilak. The presentation took place at the National Library Gozo in Victoria, Gozo. Those present were, from left to right; Chev. Carmel Saliba Secretary, Mr George Cassar Senior Assistant Librarian, Ms Elizabeth Ebejer, Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak – Grand Prior, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi – Prior and Chev. Jonathan Vella – Chancellor. Photo: Chev. Carmel Saliba
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Monday 20 November, 2023. Melbourne, Australia. Annual General Meeting The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul had its Annual General Meeting last night to present the finance report to the members. The Finance report was presented by the Treasurer Dame Domenica Sabatini and it was approved. In his speech, the Grand Master said that this year was a very good year for the Confraternity. In Melbourne we had 6 successful events and we appointed 2 priests to the Confraternity. Thank you to those who put a lot of effort into setting up the hall for the events and for cleaning afterwards Thank you to those who attend our events to help us raise money for the needy. The Grand Chapter of Malta based in Nadur, Gozo is doing an excellent job in organizing very important events. Now with 2 churches in Nadur, there is a Mass tomorrow for the faithfully departed members of the Confraternity in the Basilica of St. Peter and Paul at 6.30 pm. and a Christmas Mass at the Church of the Sacred Heart on Thursday 14 December, 2023 at 6.30 pm followed by a Christmas Dinner. This year in Malta, we had a very successful celebration of the feast of St. Peter and Paul. We had 2 priest knights of the Confraternity visiting from Malawi in Central Africa, 2 members from Perth in Western Australia and a member from Napoli in Italy. Thank you to the Rev. Monsignor Jimmy Xerri, Archpriest of the Basilica for his support. While in Malta we had successful meetings with His Eminence Cardinal Mario Grech, the Archbishop of Malta His Excellency The Most Rev. Charles Scicluna and the Bishop of Gozo His Excellency Anton Teuma. We also met with the President of the Republic His Excellency Dr. George Vella during his visit to Melbourne. THE CONFRATERNITY IN AFRICA The Grand Master said that our Chapter of Malawi in Central Africa could be the base, the centre for the Confraternity in that continent. We already have 4 priests in Malawi to build a solid foundation of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Africa. The meeting concluded with the Supreme Council thanking everyone who is supporting the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in any way and we look forward to continuing our work in 2024. God bless and Happy Christmas. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master Seat in Melbourne. Australia. Photo: The Members having a drink and a chat after the meeting.
Mass for the departed members of the Confraternity Grand Chapter of Malta 22 November, 2023.
The Grand Chapter of Malta celebrated a Mass for the late Chevalier Peter Paul Camilleri “Tal-Kokka” and Professor Jose Ferreira Coelho – Deputy Grand Master along with Chevalier Guzi Zerafa and Dame Marlene Muscat and all the faithfully departed Members of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul at the Nadur Basilica. The Mass was celebrated by Chevalier Monsignor Joseph Cauchi and Monsignor Joseph Attard. Photos Joseph Meilak 22.11.23
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Chapter of Malawi. 30 November, 2023.
Today in the diocese of Chikwawa Chevalier Rev. Fr. Peter Ntayamanja presided on the investiture of Rev. Fr. Gift Joseph Chikwapa who took the vow of a Knight of the Confraternity of St. Peter & St. Paul. Chevalier Rev. Fr. Gift Joseph Chikwapa became the fourth priest in Malawi to join the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. Congratulations to all our knights in Malawi. You are building a chapter on a strong foundation. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP Seat in Melbourne. Australia. Photo from left: Chevalier Rev. Fr. Peter Ntayamanja presenting the certificate to newly appointed Chevalier Rev. Fr. Gift Joseph Chikwapa.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta 8 December 2023. By Chevalier Joseph Louis Meilak / Grand Prior
Today I had the opportunity to meet the President of the European Parliament, Dr. Roberta Metsola. I presented her with a copy of the history of the Confraternity Volume II. I also presented a copy to the Minster for Gozo the Hon. Client Camilleri MP.
Presentation of the history of the Confraternity to the University of Malta Nadur, Gozo. Grand Chapter of Malta Monday 11 December, 2023.
The Grand Prior of the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo, Chevalier Joseph Louis Meilak presented the history of the Confraternity Vol. I and II to Ms. Rachel Debattista of the University of Malta.
During the year, copies of the history was presented to the President of Malta, H E Dr. George Vella, the Archbishop of Malta HE The Most Rev. Charles Scicluna and the Bishop of Gozo, HE The Most Rev. Anton Teuma.
Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Grand Chapter of Malta Nadur, Gozo. 14 December, 2023.
The Grand Chapter of Malta organized a Christmas Mass at the Sacred Heart Church in Nadur. This was the first function of the Confraternity at the Sacred Heart Church. The Mass was celebrated by Chevalier Rev. Fr. Joseph Cauchi. A nice number of knights and dames attended the Mass. Afterwards, the members enjoyed a Christmas Dinner at the Fat Rabbit Restaurant. Congratulations on such a nice celebration, especially for the festive season of Christmas. The Grand Chapter is also giving away Christmas hampers to the needy. God bless. Visit our website: Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
H.H. Pope Francis bless the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul 10 January, 2024
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta Office: “ Dar l-Imnarja” December 13 Street. Nadur, Gozo, Malta. 2 February 2024. The Grand Chapter of Malta donated Hampers to the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus at their convent in Nadur.
Photo with the Sisters from left Chevalier Peter Ray Said, Chevalier Joseph Meilak - Grand Prior, Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi and Chevalier Carmel Saliba.
Grand Chapter of Malta Investiture ceremony 8 February 2024.
The Grand Chapter of Malta held an investiture ceremony to coincide with the feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck in Malta. The ceremony was held at the Office of the Confraternity at "Dar l-Imnarja" december 13 Street, Nadur, Gozo. The ceremony was presided by the Grand Prior Chevalier Joseph Meilak and assisted by Chevalier Carmel Saliba and Chevalier Michael Camilleri Cauchi. Monsignor Rev. Joseph Cauchi open the ceremony with a prayer. Five new members took the oath of a Knight of Grace to join the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul.
L. to R. Chev. Dr Raymond Bondin, Chev. Mario Cardona, Chev. Jonathan Grech, Chev. Mro. Antoine Mercieca and Chev. Michel Angelo Muscat (Tenor). Photo Carmel Saliba
Group photo L. to R. Standing: Chev. Joseph Meilak, Chev. Ray Bondin, Chev. Mario Cardona, Chev. Jonathan Grech, Chev. Antoine Mercieca, Chev. Angelo Muscat, Chev. Jonathan Vella, Chev. Carmel Saliba. Sitting: Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi, Chev. Eddie Vella, Chev. Mons. Joseph Cauchi, Dame Antonia Portelli, Dame Rita Portelli and Chev. Peter Ray Said.
Grand Chapter of Malta 18 February 2024 Donation to Fr. Raymond Portelli MD a missionary priest in Peru. Well done to our Grand Chapter of Malta.
Photo: Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi presenting a donation to Fr. Raymond Portelli in the presence of Dame Rita Portelli and Dame Antonia Portelli.
Chapter of Malawi It has been announce on the 14 February 2024 that our Prior Chevalier Rev. Fr. Joseph Sikwese has been appointed to be the Deputy Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi with effect from 1st March 2024. Election of Bishop next for our Prior Chevalier Rev. Fr. Joseph Sikwese.
Chevalier Rev. Fr. Joseph Sikwese CKSPP.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul, organized a lunch for the elderly. The lunch was held at the Nancye Kirchner Hall in Avondale Heights. The lunch was supported by the Moonee Valley City Council's "Biannual Grants Program". Thanks to the Moonee Valley City Council for supporting the lunch for the elderly citizens.
The luncheon was opened with a prayer by Chevalier Rev. Fr. Frank Buhagiar PE Chaplain of the Confraternity, who bestowed the Papal Blessing on the members of the Confraternity for their service to helping others. Fr. Frank blessed everyone in the hall. During the event, food and household goods were collected for the needy. The goods were given to the Croatian Catholic Center of Clifton Hill to distribute to people in need. The entertainment was provided by C&J Music, who did a great job. Big thank you to all the helpers for their tireless work. Thank you to all who attended the lunch. God bless. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP
PROUDLY SUPPORTING THE ANNUAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL GOOD FRIDAY APPEAL Grand Chapter of Melbourne. Friday 29 Mar 2024 The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is proud to donate to the Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Our next Fund-raising Luncheon is on Sunday 30 June 2024 at the ICKA Club 7 Keilor Park Drive, East Keilor. Support us to support the needy.
Certificate of Appreciation 28 April 2024 The Grand Master His Excellency Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli presented a certificate of Appreciation to John and El for their contribution to the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. Dame Agela Greto - Archgrand Prior and Chevalier Joseph Coleiro - Grand Chancellor were also present.
PRESENTATION OF THE HISTORY OF THE CONFRATERNITY Ghajnsielem Gozo Malta BY GOZO NEWS · APRIL 28, 2024. Confraternity of Knights present books to Ghajnsielem Local Council.
Volumes 1 and 2 covering the history of the Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul from 1997 to 2022, have been presented to the Ghajnsielem Mayor Kevin Cauchi by the Grand Prior Joseph Meilak.
The presentation took place at the Ghajnsielem Local Council offices.
Those present were, from left to right, Chev. Peter Ray Said, Treasurer, Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak Grand Prior, Kevin Cauchi, Ghajnsielem Major, Chev. Carmel Saliba Secretary and Chev. Jonathan Vella Chancellor.
Donation of goods to the Life Network Foundation Malta Grand Chapter of Malta 11 May 2024 The Grand Chapter of Malta donated a list of items to Ms Suzette Muscat representing the Life Network Foundation Malta. The donation took place at the Office of the Confraternity in " Dar l-Imnarja" in December 13, Street Nadur, Gozo. Life Network Foundation Malta of 7 Merchants St, Valletta, supports unplanned pregnancies, is a life-affirming organization standing for a society where human life is valued at all stages. Present for this donation from L. to R. Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi, Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi Prior , Ms Suzette Muscat, Chev. Jonathan Vella Chancellor, Chev. Joseph Meilak Grand Prior, Chev. Carmel Saliba Secretary, Dame Antonia Portelli and Dame Rita Portelli. Photos Carmel Saliba.
SAD DAY FOR THE CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL 24 June 2024 It is with great sadness to announce the passing of a friend and colleague in the Confraternity, Chevalier Alexander McPherson. With a heavy heart I received the sad news this morning. Alexander was such an energetic person with a bright future. Alexander did great things and we remember him that way. He was a dear and most valued member of the Confraternity. When this week of the feast was supposed to be a joyous one, this had to happen. On behalf of the Confraternity, we extend our condolences to the family. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.
SACRED MUSIC CONCERT Grand Chapter of Malta. Nadur Gozo. 11 June 2024. The Grand Chapter of Malta held it's first Sacred Music Concert in the church of the Sacred Heart in Nadur, Gozo. Among the guests were the Rev. Fr. Krystof Buttigieg Parish Administrator of the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul, the Mayor of Nadur Dr. Edward Said and the knights and dames of the Confraternity. The orchestra was directed by Chevalier Maestro Antoine Mercieca and Chevalier Tenor Angelo Muscat. The compère of the concert was Joe Kirkop. Chevalier Carmel Saliba read a brief history of the Confraternity while Chevalier Joe M Attard wrote and read a poem for the occasion. Joe Kirkop read about the mission life of Dr. Fr. Raymond Portelli in Peru. After the concert, a collection for the mission of Dr. Fr. Raymond Portelli was held. Photos by Martin Attard. Film by Mario Muscat. Thank you to the Vella/Grech family for using the church of the Sacred Heart, all who took part in the concert, the organiser Chevalier Joseph Louis Meilak and everyone who attended the concert.
INVESTITURE CEREMONY Grand Chapter of Malta Nadur Gozo. 28 June 2024.
The Grand Chapter of Malta held its annual meeting and investiture of Chevalier Vincent Marshall yesterday in the Church of the Sacred Heart in Nadur. Afterward, the Confraternity took part in a procession with the H.E. Bishop Mons. Anton Teuma and the Clergy of the parish with the Holy relics of St. Peter and St. Paul from the Church of the Sacred Heart to the Basilica of Nadur. Congratulations to the knights and dames that took part in the ceremony and the procession. Congratulations to the new knight, Vincent Marshall. Photos by Mario Muscat.
TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY RELIC OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta Nadur Gozo. 28 June 2024. The Confraternity attended the Translation of the Holy relic in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo.
FEAST OF THE SOLEMNITY OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL 29 June Today, the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul in Melbourne, celebrated the feast of the Princes of the Apostle and Pillars of the Universal Church. Fr. Frank Buhagiar concelebrated the Mass with Monsignor Bosiljko Rajic and Fr. Velimir Maglica. Happy feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.
PRESENTATION OF DONATION TO FR. RAYMOND PORTELLI Grand Chapter of Malta Nadur Gozo. 29 June 2024 During the Pontifical Mass in the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo, the Grand Prior, Chevalier Joseph Meilak presented a donation on behalf of the Grand Chapter of Malta to Fr. Raymond Portelli a missionary priest in Peru during the Offering of the gifts. His Excellency Bishop Anton Theuma of Gozo, looks on.
FEAST LUNCHEON IN MELBOURNE Melbourne Australia 30 June 2024.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St Peter and St Paul celebrated the feast of the Patron Saints Peter and Paul with a Luncheon at the ICKA Club in East Keilor. It was a very successful and enjoyable event. Everyone had a lovely time. The music by J&C Duo was fantastic and they surprised everyone by Jennifer sang the Maltese song "Xemx" The Maltese Own Band Philharmonic Society Inc. provided the merriment of the feast by playing the hymn "Lill San Pietru Pawl" and "The Letter A" and other marches. Thank you to everyone who attended the Luncheon, thank you for your support to help people in need. Thank you to the volunteers who gave long hours to set up the hall and to pack up afterwards. God bless you in St Peter and St Paul.
DONATION TO HELP HOUSE FIRE VICTIM Melbourne Australia 30 June 2024. The Confraternity donated a nice sum of money to Sandra Furlan whose home was destroyed by fire on 30 April 2024. Sandra and her son Luca, were extremely lucky to have escaped with their lives. However, they have lost everything else, including Luca’s car and trade tools, to the fire.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Melbourne Friday, 13 September 2024.
Yesterday the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul visited the Peter Mac Cancer Hospital in Melbourne and made a donation of $2000 to the Cancer Foundation. Mr. Michael Moyzes gave us a brief history of the hospital. Mr. Michael Moyzes said that the patients at the hospital have treatment second to none. The best that there is. The Supreme Council Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. Headquarters in Melbourne. Australia.
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Saturday 14 September 2024. Grand Chapter of Melbourne
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul was honoured to attend the Mass at St. Bernadette's Parish in North Sunshine celebrated by His Excellency Monsignor Bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSP of the Territorial Prelature of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané Peru. Bishop Giovanni Cefai was assisted in the Mass by Fr. Silvio Bezzina MSSP Parish Priest of St. Bernadette in North Sunshine. After the Mass, the members of the Supreme Council presented a donation to Bishop Cefai. The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli was asked to say a few words on the presentation. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli said that the aim of the Confraternity is to help the poor, the sick and the needy, and we are honoured to support the mission of Bishop Cefai. Chevalier Portelli added that the Confraternity follows the example of the first missionaries of Christ, St. Peter and St. Paul. Dame Mimma Sabatini presented the donation to Bishop Cefai and Dame Angela Greta presented a copy of the history of the Confraternity Volume I & II. This was another great opportunity for the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul to present a donation to the poor. Thanks to all those who support us. The Supreme Council
CONFRATERNITY OF THE KNIGHTS OF ST. PETER & ST. PAUL Grand Chapter of Malta December 13 Street, Nadur, Gozo. 25 October 2024
The Grand Chapter of Malta is collecting goods at the Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo. Two hampers had already been given to Rev. Fr. Anton Schembri of Victoria Gozo, to distribute to the underprivileged immigrants. Great work. God bless you in St. Peter and St. Paul.
VINCENT ORPHANAGE OF VIETNAM Sunday 1 December 2024 Grand Chapter of Melbourne.
Today the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul was invited to a program of Christmas carols at St. Martin De Porres church in Avondale Heights. Thanks to the Parish Priest Fr. Nhan Le for the invitation. The aim of the event was to raise money to help Vincent Orphanage in Vietnam. His Grace the Most Rev. Bishop Terence Curtin was also present. The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul made a donation to support the orphanage. It was a very well organized carols program. The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli was accompanied by Dame Mary Portelli, Dame Angela Greto, Chevalier Saverio Greto and Chevalier Mario Sabatini.
HELPING THE POOR AND THE HOMELESS Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul Grand Chapter of Melbourne Friday 13 December 2024.
Today the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul visited VincentCare Ozanam House in North Melbourne, where homeless people are given the opportunity to find a place to sleep, have a shower and a feed. At Ozanam House in Flemington Road, North Melbourne, Team Leader Louise Augustinus gave us a tour around the modern facilities. This was an opportunity to see how the place is managed and have a coffee with the poor and the homeless. The Confraternity made a donation to VincentCare Ozanam House to help feed the poor and the homeless, just in time for Christmas. The Confraternity is ready to continue its support to VincentCare Ozanam House. Photo from left: Deputy Grand Master Chevalier Mario Sabatini, Team Leader at VincentCare Louise Augustinus receiving the donation from Dame Domenica Sabatini and Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is pleased to announce the appointment of Fr.Luka Poljak as a new knight in Adelaide, South Australia. Fr. Luka is the Chaplain of the Croatian Catholic Chaplaincy of Adelaide. Chevalier Rev. Fr. Luka Poljak welcome to the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is pleased to announce the appointment of the Right Rev. Monsignor Joseph Grech as a new Knight and Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of Malta, based in Nadur, Gozo. Monsignor Joseph Grech is from the parish Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul in Nadur, Gozo, Malta. Chevalier Monsignor Joseph Grech, welcome to the Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli Grand Master CKSPP