REGISTERED AS CHARITY NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANISATION The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is a registered organisation with the Office of Consumer Affairs in the State of Victoria. Reg. No. A0053063J
Registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission. Registered with the Australian Tax Office. Australian Business Number: 63570886277
The Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul is a charitable organization with chapters in many countries around the world.
The aim of the Confraternity is to help the Poor , the Sick and the needy.
Helping the poor and the sick in Malawi
17 December, 2021
Saturday, 9th October 2021, remains an important historical day for Steven Mwakyusa. It was the day he who is 88 years old was baptised, after waiting for 21 years. He was baptised together with his daughter Esnart. Since the year 2000, Steven has been longing to be baptized in the Catholic Church, but he could not be baptised because he was unable to finish the catechumenate programme. He dedicated his time to taking care of his disabled daughter who had been abused by unknown men. There was nobody to take care of his daughter as his wife, Tomaida, died many years ago. His other 3 children are married and relocated to other villages.
In December, 2021 the Confraternity donated money to the poor and the sick in Malawi. The money was sent to Chevalier Fr. Joseph Sikwese our Prior and Chaplain in Malawi. The money was used to donated a wheelchair to Esnart and some food items.
Photo Chevalier Fr. Joseph Sikwese
Supporting the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal 2021
Supporting the Women's Hospital in Melbourne November 2019
Photo: The Grand Master H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and Members of the Supreme Council present a cheque of $10.000 to the Women's Hospital in Melbourne.
Supporting Catholic Missions in Peru
August 2019 The Grand Master Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli and Dame Mary Portelli with Members of the Grand Chapter of Malta presented a donation to Bishop Giovanni Cefai Prelate of Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, Peru during his visit to his home country Malta.
Helping the earthquake victims in Central Italy
September 2016
The Confraternity raised $16,500 to the earthquake victims of Ascoli Piceno in the region of Central Italy after the devastating earthquake on 24 August 2016.
The money was sent to the local Bishop of Ascoli Piceno The Most Rev. Giovanni D'Ercoli to help the local victims. The bishop sent a thank you letter to the Supreme Council
Chevalier Mario Sabatini and Dame Mimma Sabatini Treasurer of the Confraternity met with Bishop Giovanni D"Ercoli in July, 2017 in his diocese.
Constitution for State of Victoria
This is available on request from the Secretary of the Supreme Council.
By Laws of the Confraternity
NAME 1.1 The name of the organisation is: Confraternity of the Knights of St. Peter & St. Paul.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSES 1.2 To operate as a charitable institution.
2.2 To bring people of all nations to pray and socialise together.
3.2 To commemorate the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul on the 29 June or the Sunday after that date.
4.2 To appoint Knights and Dames on commemoration day, the 29 th of June or the Sunday after that date.
5.2 To encourage the younger generations to continue with our traditions and cultures.
6.2 To honour members of the Catholic faith for their tireless benevolent work in the community.
7.2 The primary purpose of the Knights and Dames is to serve God and His people.
8.2 The Confraternity places itself under the protection of the Virgin Mary Queen and Mother and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
The Seat of the Confraternity is: Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
A member of the Catholic community who proves to be humble, honest and caring leader of the community can be admitted to the Confraternity on his/her merits.
Members of the community who work tireless to serve other people in arts, music, religion, social, cultural and welfare may be eligible to be admitted to the Confraternity.
A person can only be admitted to the Confraternity, if nominated by a knight, a dame or a prior.
The council of the Confraternity will carefully consider all nominations.
The Confraternity shall have no financial obligations or joining fees on its knights and dames.
A person who is nominated to the Confraternity, will be required to submit a brief history of his/her community work.
People who seek personal honours and glory will not be admitted to the Confraternity.
The knight and dames will have an obligation to attend the annual celebrations.
The Confraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul has no affiliations with any other Order.
NEW CHAPTERS 1. A knight can set up a new chapter when approved by the Supreme Council. 2. A prior can nominate not more than 10 candidates for the first year to have enough members to form a committee. 3. A prior can nominate up to 5 candidates for any other year after the first investiture.
1. To serve God and His people without prejudice. 2. To keep the Supreme Council up to date with the activities (especially charitable work) of your Chapter and to notify the Grand Master immediately of any problems, concerns or opportunities. 3. To uphold the values, rules and policies of the Confraternity. 4. To help the poor and the sick. 5. To build and maintain a strong Chapter building strong relationships with local authorities and the Catholic Church. 6. To form a Committee and maintain records of all meetings. 7. To conduct no less than 4 Committee meetings every year. 8. To maintain appropriate and accurate financial records of the Chapter. 9. To organise activities to keep members active and raise money for a charitable mission of the Confraternity. 10. Do Not, under any circumstances, use the Chapter in any political or controversial events anywhere. 11. To maintain a sound distance between the Confraternity and any political associations or affiliations. 12. To maintain cordial relations between members of the Chapter, treating everyone with respect, avoiding conflict, disruptions or biases. 13. To ensure that the Prior of each Chapter maintains all of the rules of the Chapter and leads to the best of his/her abilities. 14. To establish and maintain strong relationships with other groups having similar values and which may be of value to the Chapter, subject to confirmation from the Grand Master. 15. Dress Code: events, functions, official gatherings: 1. mantles, neck decorations / miniture medals. 2. definitely no jeans, runners, sneakers or jogging shoes: 3. ladies: smart casual (preferably Dress or Skirt) 4. gentlemen: suit and tie.
1. All nominees are required to submit a CV that includes charitable or community work that the candidate does to support his/her nomination. 2. Provide a letter of support from the local Parish Priest. 3. Preferably, photos of the work the nominee does in the community. 4. A history of the nominee, including contact details (eg: address and email). 5. All nominees must agree to be subjected to a police check. Note: Titles of the nominee are not important to our Confraternity, therefore, are not acknowledged by the Supreme Council. Our Confraternity is for people who are dedicated to the work we do for charity not for listing titles and accolades. No nominations will be considered during the month of June, as this is a very busy time for the Supreme Council. The decision of the Supreme Council is final and binding. We thank you for your cooperation.
COLLEGE OF KNIGHTS AND DAMES WITH SPECIAL STATUS A key part of the Confraternity is the College of Knights and Dames. The College is made up of senior members with special status who may be eligible to be considered, and to elect, a future grand master should the Office become vacant.
Current members of the College are: * all Deputy Grand Masters
* Grand Chancellor * Members of the Supreme Council
GRAND PRIORS A Grand Priory is a chapter of the Confraternity with ten (10) or more members. Grand Priors are headed by the Archgrand Prior.
Archgrand Prior: Dame Angela Greto
Priors: Chev. Mato Verkic - Melbourne Chev. Rev. Fr. Dr. Peter DiLeo - Vulic - Puerto Rico Chev. Jose Dos Santos Maia - Portugal Chev. Silvio Da Silva - Canada Chev. Nicola Mongelli - Italy Chev. Dennis Mifsud - Malta Chev. Rommel Lopez - Philippines Chev. Pablo J. Carreres Gargallo - Spain Chev. Nick DeLuca - Western Australia Chev. Andrew McMenamin - USA Chev. Cvetelin Ivanov - Belarus Chev. Guenter Alfred Rieger - British Columbia Chev. Matthew Wishman - Kentucky USA.
CHANCELLORS Chev. Joseph Coleiro - Grand Chancellor Chev. Joseph Louis Meilak - Malta Dame Gabriele Neuen - Germany
CHAPLAINS: Fr. Frank Buhagiar - Melbourne Fr. Antonio Manuel Martins - Portugal H.E.Rt. Rev.Dr. Andrew Vujisić - Orthodox Community Rev. Fr. Dr. Peter DiLeo - Vulic- Puerto Rico Rev. Dennis Mifsud - Malta Rev. Joseph Sikwese - Malawi H.G. Archb. Andrew McMenamin - USA Rev. Ricardo Dib - Argentina Fr. Joao Kambayala - Angola Fr. Stephen Balogun - Nigeria Fr. Alexey Rumyantsev - Russia
Who is who in the Confraternity
H.E. Chev. Vincenzo Galtieri H.E. Chev. Peter M Neuen H.E. Chevalier Peter Paul Portelli H.E.Rt. Rev. Chev. Dr. Andrew Vujisić Dame Angela Greto Deputy Grand Deputy Grand Master Grand MasterDeputy Grand Master Archgrand Prior Europe Orthodox Community
Chev. Dr. Nicola Mongelli Chev. Rev. Fr. Dr. Peter DiLeo - Vulic Chev. Silvio Da Silva Grand Prior of Italy Grand Prior Puerto Rico Grand Prior of Canada
Chev. Josep Louis Meilak Chev. Rev. Joseph Sikwese H.G. Archb. A. McMenamin Chev. Nick De Luca Chev. Pablo J. Carreres Gargallo Grand Prior of Malta Prior of Malawi Grand Prior of U.S.A. Grand Prior of Western Australia Prior of Spain
Chev. Anthony Zammit Dame Pauline Zahra Chev. Boyan Vladimirov Chev. Albert Thomson Chev. Nick Pacey Prior of Peru Prior of Toronto - Canada Prior of Bulgaria Prior of Scotland Prior of New Zealand
Chev. Cvetelin Ivanov Chev. Guenter A Rieger Chev. Fr. Stephen Balogun Chev. Zef Bushati Prior of Belarus Grand Prior of British Columbia Prior of Nigeria Prior of Albania
Chev. Frank Scicluna Chev. Ricardo Dib Chev. Jose Dos Santos Maia Prior of South Australia Prior of Argentina Grand Prior of Portugal
Chev. Alfred Flask Chev. Cryspin Kayitare Chev. Fr. Alexey Rumyantsev Prior of Canberra Prior for Rwanda Prior of Russia
Supreme Council in Melbourne Australia
H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master
Chev. Mario Sabatini : Grand Commander (Responsible of religious and spiritual matters)
H.E. Chev. Vincenzo Galtieri - Deputy Grand Master
H.E. Chev. Peter M Neuen - Deputy Grand Master - Europe
Dame Angela Greto - Archgrand Prior: Grand Hospitaller (Social and Charitable work)
Dame Domenica Sabatini – Treasurer: Grand Cross
Chev. Joseph Coleiro - Secretary to the Grand Master: Grand Chancellor
Dame Maria Camiolo
Dame Teresa Mamone
Dame Elisa Pellicano
Dame Franca Pelloni
Chev. Fr. Francis Buhagiar PE. Chaplain.
Melbourne - Grand Chapter
H.E. Chev. Peter Paul Portelli - Grand Master
H.E. Chev. Vincenzo Galtieri - Deputy Grand Master
Dame Angela Greto - Archgrand Prior: Grand Hospitaller (Social and Charitable work)
Dame Gail Vas - Secretary: Grand Councillor (Information and external affairs)
Dame Domenica Sabatini – Treasurer: Grand Cross
Chev. Mario Sabatini : Grand Commander (Responsible of religious and spiritual matters)
Chev. Joseph Coleiro - Secretary to the Grand Master: Grand Chancellor
Dame Franca Pelloni
Chev. Sydney Vas - Knight of Justice
Dame Teresa Mamone -Dame of Justice
Dame Elisa Pellicano - Dame of Justice
Chev. Fr. Francis Buhagiar PE. Chaplain.
Dame Mary Portelli
Chev. Saverio Greto
Chev. Mato Verkic - Grand Prior
Dame Eliza Pellicano
Dame Lina Riitano
Dame Elizabeth Mallia
Dame Concetta Domma
Chev. Claudio Domma
Dame Mary Camiolo
Chev. Tony Camiolo
Chev. Rev. Mons. Bosiljko Rajic
Chev. Rev. Fr, Fr. Velimir Maglica
Dame Suzana Fantov
Dame Ana Erceg
Dame Elaine Cotter
Dame Carmen Galtieri
Chev. Michael Meilak
Chev. Ange Kenos
Maria Andronaco
Dame Teresa Di Mauro
Dame Domenica Gagliardi Centofanti
Chev. Alexander McPherson
Chev. Dr. Mark Hobart
Chev. Joe Foca
Chev. Ante Grasic
Chev. Eddy Abraham
Dame Catherine Hagicosta
Dame Lucy Fiamengo
Chev. Robert Mammarella
Chev. Dominik Vogl
Chev. Paul Cutajar
Dame Luise Breier
Chev. Sam David
Chev. Joe Caf
Chev. Paolo Tartaglia
Chev. Stefan Romaniw
Chev. Andreas Kratsis
Dame Ljiljana Goja
Chev. David Connolly
Chev. Josip Petruzalek
Chev. Ivan Skratulja
Chev. George Saliba
Dame Theresa Stroubinger
Chev. Bernard O'Connor
Chev. Bruno Klepp
Chev. Dieter Bajzek
Chev. Fred Wolske
Chev. Jairo Nascimento
Chev. Joseph Caf
Dame Suzi Fanjek,
Chev. George Aquilina
Dame Rita Saliba
Dame Mary Louise Anastasi
Chev. Emilio Tornese,
Dame Rosa Tornese
Chev. Sergio Marusic
Chev. Salvatore Ignaccolo Deceased
Dame Sarena Ignaccolo Deceased
Chev. Joseph Zammit Deceased
Chev. Dominik Vogl Deceased
Dame Carmen Testa Deceased
Chev. Joseph Vella Deceased
Chev. Vince Calleja Deceased
Chev. Joseph Zammit Deceased
Chev. Alfred Asciak Deceased
Chev. Victor Aquilina Deceased
Chev. Hans Roleff Deceased
Chev. George Aquilina Deceased
Chev. Ernest William Sigley Deceased
Dame Lillian Calleja Deceased
Albania - Chapter
Chev. Dr. Zef Bushati - Prior
Chev. Aleksander Zefi
Bulgaria - Chapter
Chev. Boyan Vasilev Vladimirov - Prior
Chev. Atanas Kuzmanov
Argentina - Chapter
Chev. Ricardo Dib - Prior
Chev. Prof. Arnaldo Miranda y Tumbarello
Belarus - Chapter
Chev. Tsvetomir Filipov Ivanov - Prior
Chev. Skvortsov Mihail Alexsandrovich
Dame Valeriia Sergeevna Altoufieva
Chev. Nikolay Petrovich Shalimo
Chev. Sergey Nikolaevich Shalimo
Chev. Viachaslau Lychkousky
British Columbia - Grand Prior
Chev. Rt. Hon. Guenter Alfred Rieger
Dame Regina Rieger
Dame Irene McLaughlin
Chev. Jack McLaughlin
Chev. Jack Gareb.
Chev. Dr George Wirtz
Chev. Paul Rosetti
Chev. Lorne Lazzarotto
Chev. David Lawrence
Chev. David Durand
Dame Georgina Lazzarotto Deceased
Chev. Bishop Joseph Phuong Nguyen
Chev. Fr. Anthony Ackerman
Chev, Fr. Peter Nguyen
Canada - Grand Chapter
Chev. Silvio Da Silva – Grand Prior
Chev. Bob Westhaver
Chev. Keith Clarke,
Chev. Richard Fernando Martins
Chev. Francisco Monteiro
Chev. João de Deus Cabral Raposo
Chev. Bernardo Recine
Chev. Andrew Munro
Chev. William Brown
Dame Nada Offak
Dame Pauline Zahra
Dame Carmen Galea
Chev. Frank Attard
Chev. Joe Sherri
Dame Fatima Machado Pinheiro
Chev. Pedro Bilbao
Germany - Grand Chapter
Chev. Peter Michael Neuen – Grand Prior
Dame Gabriele Neuen - Chancellor
Chev. Michael Drebs
Dame Angie Rister
Chev. Roland Raith
Chev. Alexander Michael Neuen
Chev. Leopold Fasching
Chev. Richard Bollo
Chev. Denis Haas
Chev. Joerg Peter Jung
Chev. Simon Schwarz
Dame Beatrice Franz
Dame Leonie Steinmetz
Chev. Frank Steinmetz
Chev. Daniel S.
Dame Silvija G.
Italy - Grand Chapter
Chev. Dr. Cav. Nicola Mongelli – Grand Prior
Chev. Giacomo Carbone
Chev. Antonio Sorrento Sr.
Chev. Antonio Sorrenta Jr.
Chev. Domenico Capurso
Dame Angela EMR Fraccalvieri
Chev. Nicola Giannocca
Chev. Antonio Calcarella
Chev. Marco Petrachi
Chev. Vincent Cortese
Chev. Professor Chev. Prior Ciro Romano
Dame Anna Maria Croce
Chev. Professor Antonio Sciortino – Prior of Sicily
Chev. Donato Calogero
Chev. Giuseppe Livreri
Kenya - Chapter Chev. Paul Thaddeus Mwanzia Chev. Ignatius Shikanga Chev. Bikuri Francisco Kimathi Chev. Peter Nyambeki
Malawi - Chapter Chev. Rev. Fr. Joseph Sikwese - Prior Chev. Rev. Fr. Joseph Mkinga Chev. rev. Fr. Peter Ntayamanja Chev. Rev. Fr. Gift Chikwapa
Malta - Grand Chapter
Chev. Dennis Mifsud – Grand Prior
Chev. Joe Louis Meilak - Chancellor
Chev. Carmel Saliba - Secretary/PRO
Chev. Eddie Vella
Dame Veronica Camilleri Cauchi
Chev. Michael Camilleri Cauchi
Dame Marlene Muscat
Dame Carmen Cefai
Chev. Dr. Chris Said
Chev. Charlie Xuereb
Chev. Jean Paul Portelli
Chev. James Buttigieg
Chev. Matthias Mercieca
Chev. Adonai Camilleri Cauchi
Dame Sue Ellen Bugeja
Chev. Pio Dalli
Chev. Mons. Salv Pace
Dame Maria Natoli
Chev. Paul Callus
Chev. Giovanna Debono
Chev. Charles Said
Chev. Rev. Karm Portelli
Chev. James Azzopardi
Chev. Andrew Muscat Pisani
Chev, Andrew Muscat
Chev. Joseph Curmi
Chev. Charles Coleiro
Chev. Virginia Coleiro
Chev. Joe M Attard
Chev. Francis Haggerty
Chev, Peter Paul Camilleri Deceased
Chev. Mark Quinn - Deceased
Chev. Guzi Zerafa - Deceased
Nigeria - Chapter
Chev. Emeka Polycarp Nwonyi - Prior
Chev. Fr. Stephen Adeola Balogun
Peru - Chapter
Chev. Anthony Zammit - Prior of Peru
Chev. Eustaquio Lozano Pianto
Chev. Cesar Gavilan Yauyo
Dame Maribel Medina Vila
Chev. Saturnino Sabino Cavalcanti Gosme
Dame Zonia Medina Vila
Chev. Luciano Cconislla Aramburu
Philippines - Grand Chapter
Chevalier Carlo Oliver Olayta
Chevalier Adrian Tambuat
Chev. Ramon Jose Sebastia-Moreno
Chev. H.E. Luis Antonio ‘Cardinal’ Tagle
Chev. Fr. Manuel Sunaz
Chev. Spiritual Patron: H. E. Gaudencio 'Cardinal' Rosales
Chev. Spiritual Patron: H. E. Ricardo 'Cardinal' Vidal
Chev. Chaplain - Rev. Fr. Francis Mateo, OFM Conventual
Chev. H. E. Ambassador Jesus Domingo - Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Dame H. E. Mercedes A. Tuason
Portugal - Grand Chapter Chev. Padre Manuel Martins - Chaplain Chev. Jose Dos Santos Maia - Grand Prior
Chev. Paulo Jorge Afonso Martinho
Chev. Oscar Pinto,
Chev. Padre Paulo Carmo
Chev. Dr.Jorge Augusto Correia
Dame Belizanda Billwiller Rodrigues
H.E. Prof. Chev. Jose M Ferreira Coelho - Deputy Grand Master Deceased
Chev. Pedro Laranjeira Deceased
Puerto Rico - Grand Chapter
Chev. H.E. The Rt. Revd. Dr. AndrewVujisić - Archimandrite - Grand Prior
Chev. H.E. Protopresbyter Dr. Fr. Peter v. DiLeo-Vulić, KGCGK - Prior
Chev. The Revd. Deacon Dr. Antonio Frhr. v. Báez-Rodríguez
Chev. Subdeacon Dr. Juan Carlos Delgado—Rodriguez
Dame [Protinica] Graciela Frfr. v. Torres-Rodríguez