The Supreme Council in its meeting of 16 June 2016, held at Club Italia, Furlong Rd. North Sunshine, in Melbourne, approved the nominations of the knights and dame for the Chapter of British Columbia. Congratulations to the Prior Chevalier Guenter A. Rieger and the newly appointed Knights and Dame.
Chevalier Guenter A. Rieger - Grand Prior
Update for the Grand Chapter of British Columbia
The Knights and Dames of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia congratulated and welcomed three Knights of Hour to our Grand Chapter.
During the summer I have welcomed and congratulated Most Rev. Bishop Joseph P. Nguyen during mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Kamloops, BC as a Knight of Honor to the Chapter of British Columbia.
I have also presented at St. James Church in Vernon, BC and Our Lady of the Valley in Coldstream, Rev. Fr. Peter. H. Nguyen the Knights of Honor certificate.
Fr. Toni Ackermann, Fr. Peter H. Nguyen and Grand Prior Chev. Guenter A. Rieger in of the Grand Chapel of the Monastery of Mount Carmel of St. Joseph in Armstrong, Home Church of the Grand Chapter.
Again, on behalf of the Knights and Dames of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia I would like to congratulate and welcome our Knights of Hour to our Grand Chapter.
With prayerful wishes. Grand Prior Chev. Rt. Hon. Guenter A. Rieger Grand Chapter of British Columbia
Fr. Toni Ackermann, Fr. Peter H. Nguyen and Grand Prior Chev. Guenter A. Rieger. Fr. Peter H. Nguyen with members of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia
On behalf of the Grand Chapter of British Columbia I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Fr. Vincent Asomugha on his 20th Anniversary of Ordination and also wishing him all the on his Birthday. Bishop Joseph P. Nguyen was the official celebrant for this special mass, held at the Sacred Heart Church Lumby, British Columbia.
God bless. Grand Prior Chev. Rt. Hon. Guenter A. Rieger Grand Chapter of British Columbia.